Anyone who thought SYLVESTER STALLONE's age might be a factor against him returning to the ring for the final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise had their doubts crushed when he got into the ring. Sly trained hard and it shows. We're just two days away from the final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise which hits theaters Wednesday, December 20, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
-Craig Zablo

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Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
And now as an added bonus, an interview question and answer from Sly!
QUESTION: Can you tell us about your decision to make Rocky a widower?
SYLVESTER STALLONE: In the beginning of this film, "Rocky Balboa," I thought if his life is still intact then you really don't have a, a launching pad, a starting off point. But, if the most precious thing is taken away from you and your stability is askew, your best years supposedly have come and gone and you're alone. Alone full of grief, full of rage, full of anger, you know, what do I do now? What's the last chapter of my life? There is your starting off point. And I think that people need a mountain to climb. And I also read about a few men who, you know, in their late 50s, who decided to climb the seven largest peaks in the world just to, you know, do it. Well this is literally going out and trying to find a mountain to climb, which is going to really change, not just his life, but the lives of the people around him.
Also be sure to check out Sly's answers to fan questions from around the world at Ain't It Cool News!
-Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this image click HERE!
Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
And now as an added bonus, an interview question and answer from Sly!
QUESTION: Can you tell us about your decision to make Rocky a widower?
SYLVESTER STALLONE: In the beginning of this film, "Rocky Balboa," I thought if his life is still intact then you really don't have a, a launching pad, a starting off point. But, if the most precious thing is taken away from you and your stability is askew, your best years supposedly have come and gone and you're alone. Alone full of grief, full of rage, full of anger, you know, what do I do now? What's the last chapter of my life? There is your starting off point. And I think that people need a mountain to climb. And I also read about a few men who, you know, in their late 50s, who decided to climb the seven largest peaks in the world just to, you know, do it. Well this is literally going out and trying to find a mountain to climb, which is going to really change, not just his life, but the lives of the people around him.
Also be sure to check out Sly's answers to fan questions from around the world at Ain't It Cool News!
everyone doubted him..he looks great a real inspiration
Veramente Pazzesco! Che Fisico! Non vedo l'ora, domani uscirà in America e in Italia mancano solo 20 giorni... vai Rocky sei tutti noi!!!!!!!
There's just one thing that i can't understand in all these 5 (now 6) movies and it's how can Rocky remember goodtimes gone with the smile in his face? You know forgetting is surely wrong but isn't it living on remembering too?
And how can we do it in real life, without crying?
Sly says in an interview that he'll miss terribly this character. We'll miss him too. And so that's my question: How can we handle with this kinda nostalgia for Rocky? and how can he handle with it? Rocky maybe would remember with sad smile all that is done and gone but I really don't believe that no cryies will come out...because you know what there'll be in the place where all these years has been Rocky? Remembering wouldn't be enough. I'd like to ask this to Sly.
ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sly, come to Brazil please!
You're the greatest of all times!
Roberto Angeli
Great pic!!!
Im going to see this 2morrow!
You are the best of all time Sir Stallone, God be with you and bless you for ever!
oh my god sly you're the best!
go for it !!!!!
Thats right! lol i knew how much shape he was in from the start.
-Big J
Rocky is an example of claw and overcoming in which we must follow in the real life. Edmundo, a super fan of Brazil!
Hello, Sylvester Stallone's fans How are you? I hope you're well.
My nickname is Eddy Nice, I'm from Brazil, South America, I'm so sorry my bad English, please. (I'll try my best, again)
May I be honest about premier? I'm feel jealous so much!
I loved the news photos, the "enjoy Frank's candid photos" too.
Pardon my inelegance words (especially the partners), but, the Stallone gentlemans, what a charmer they are, beyond measure. And Mr. Sage Stallone? It's none is my bussines, but, he is a (I to try put into English)gem! But, he is critique smarter, what a tragedy!
I saw here "simbolic gesture" and "a pretty universal dreams", I think the art wonderful, only art can make better (Can you read that?)
I gotta go.
I'm so sorry my bad English again.
Thank you very much!
Millions kisses and hugs for you!
Good bye!
Eddy Nice
This is going to be great! definatly going tomarrow. DHAWK
What better way to end the year of 2006, then to take that climb one last time, with one of the greatest movie charaters of all time!
Can't wait!!! 8-)
The rocky movies bring one thing to life for all people, Choices. We all identified with Rocky in the first movie because he was lost in the everyday. We all do it, we find things everyday to take us from a dream from a Possiblity. Time will continue to move and each day we will either find the fire or snuff it out, and then one day there is no more spark to even light the fire. Rocky was given a choice to fight outside his comfort zone to go beyond what he thought he could do what others thought he could do. We look at the challege that Rocky faces and realize he can't win but he's going to try he's going to reach deep inside and find that spark find that fire and build it so that it no longer matters if he wins what matters is that he stood up to a challege that win or lose he will be a better person because he said yes to the challege not the victory. Everyday we stand up and are faced with a challege some big some small but a challege none the less. Success isn't in winning that's victory. Success is in doing the unthinkable to go where those around you would say you wouldn't be able to. To inspire others to find their dream again to challenge the rest of us to make a choice to find the fire. Rocky Balboa will do that if you come out of this movie without a desire to meet a challenge head on you've reach a point I hope I never reach, hopelessness.
Thanks Sly for putting the fire in our hands again.
Scott Kustka
Arlington, TX
I saw the movie today I was never a big rocky fan, but I will crdit where it is due. I did not like fact he did not say "Adrian" in the movie I thought at the end it would have been a good close I think you should go with the kid of "lil marie" for a new start to rocky and bring the movie back as a trainer and shoe these new age boxers how to keep thier rep and titles longer there has not been an great fighter's since Mike Tyson and nice touch to putting hi in there and I did like the part of black people in your movie for an ending it takes guts for a white male in america to fight a black male and give him just as big spot as you
May God Bless
Ms. Jones
Indianapolis, Indiana
Just got back from seeing this. Absolutely fantastic! I am not going to spoil anything for anyone, but definitely one of the best movies this year. As mentioned, a lot like the first Rocky. We needed a film like this. Thanks Sly:)
I just got back from seeing Rocky Balboa. I'm 35 now, so I've grown up with Rocky. I went to see it with my long-time girlfriend, who was born the year that the first Rocky was released, and moved to the Kensington area of Philly as a Romanian immigrant in '88 (knowing how "rough" the area can be, I imagine how incredible it would be as an 11 year-old who doesn't speak any English!). Anyway, the movie was so moving, classy, and AMAZING. It meant so much to both of us for reasons that were so different, yet so the same. As we walked out, she was livid, repeatedly saying that it was the best movie she's seen in at least 10 years. Then, she looked at me, and saw that my eyes were welling up (in 3 years, she's never seen me anywhere close to tears). She rushed me to my car, where we sat in silent awe for at least 10 minutes.....
I know I'm rambling....I guess the point of all of this is that Rocky Balboa is an incredible film. Everyone should see it, and see it soon. God bless ya, Sly. Merry Christmas to all.... - E
Haven't been to a movie in 13 years.
Just went to see Rocky Balboa.
The messages were very much needed.
I'm 50 and have been feeling obsolete.
God Bless Rocky Balboa.
I just went to see the movie with a good friend and it was amazing. The whole theatre stood up and cheered. A message very much needed today. "It ain't over till it's over." I love ya Rock, thanks Sly, the movie was beyond great!!!!!!
I saw Rocky Balboa twice last night. That says it all. What an amazing movie, and I don’t think I am being biased because I am a huge fan. I was born in 1975, so Rocky movies have always been a part of my life. My older brother and I have an incredible bond because of our love for Rocky movies. We will call each other when a Rocky movie is on and watch it with each other over the phone. Watching the movie last night gave me a real sense of my age, my 31 years. I don’t know if it made me feel old or young, both maybe, appreciative. I am excited about what life has to offer me, and to be gracious after more success.
I have seen all of the Rocky movies (except Rocky V) over a hundred times each. I watched Rocky I and II with my older brother when I was very little. Then I saw Rocky III in the theatre when I was 7 years old, and then Rocky IV when I was 10. To think back on life and to know those movies inspired a seven-year-old girl!! I haven’t seen a Rocky movie in the movie theatre since the fifth grade! All you Rocky fans know the joy of turning on the TV and catching a Rocky movie. You can’t help but sit down and watch it, then be inspired to work harder that day, whether at work, at life, or in the gym, smiling the whole time.
Last night was a very moving experience for me. I felt every emotion possible. Tears of joy and sadness and of memories and of pure exhilaration. I couldn’t control my physical excitement when that music started. I could feel the pumped energy from everyone in the theatre. We needed a Rocky movie.
I felt like I was watching real people, people I have known forever – a credit to directing and the acting and the writing. Stallone’s performance was his best. I will go see it again, and again, and again. I want to witness the joy and the emotions of the audience. I want the feelings I felt last night to come over me again. It was a catharsis. It lit a fire in me that I haven’t felt in a while. Thank you Sylvester Stallone for your vision. You did it.
what the hell man im soo pissed he didn't win maybe not by knockout but at least by decision or i would have been happy wit a draw....but if the dvd comes out wit an alternate ending where the split decision goes to rocky ill be happy....but i left the movie theater disappointed...
I'm glad to see that a film that isn't full of profanity and sexual overtones can still captivate an adult audience.
If you remove the boxing from this movie you still have multiple struggling relationships being revealed.
Rocky has his obvious grief and loss over Adrian plus his strained relationship with his son, Paulie is guilt ridden, which explains much about his personality, Robert is seeking an identity of his own, Marie needs a grounding influence in her life and Mason's arrogance and attitude are really a cover for insecurity.
Fans and critics alike may scoff at the reality of a 60 year old climbing in the ring, but is it somehow more unrealistic than a debt collecting palooka working for a loan shark going toe-to-toe with the undefeated heavy weight champ.
The depth of character development Stallone writes is impressive (whether through self revelation or fictional fancy). His talent for seeing human frailty shouldn't be minimized.
The core matters being overcome are the same every human faces everyday, wanting to feel relevant, connected and loved. I appreciated the physicality of the boxing (even though more punches are thrown in 1 round of any Rocky movie than most whole heavy weight bouts).
If only we could bring closure and resolution to all of these same issues in our own lives in a 30 minute contest of will, life would be great.
Rocky doesn't find peace through the fight, he finds the capacity for peace by being willing to endure the struggle. Listen to Spider Rico's blessing before the 1st round, and you'll learn the real source of Rocky's victory, and the same solution for all of us who face similar challanges in life.
It's a more mature and wise film than 2 through 5, and a fitting bookend to a story of determination that has spanned many of our lifetimes. A story which began in 1976, in a church basement under a painting of Jesus.
How fitting for a Christmas release.
B.E.(All things through Him which strengthens me... Ph 4:13)
The underlying messages throughout the film are awesome and well needed!! My sons and I have been watching Rocky movies together for years. As a single Mom, I had taken boxing lessons with them at a gym - no sparring of course!! Needless to say, the three of us had to go see the movie together last night. We completely understand fighting through the blows this world has to offer, while feeling as though we can't breathe. All I can say is WOW!! Thank you Mr. Stallone for allowing the man upstairs to use you as a vessel. Keep fighting the good fight.
"your one crazy old man"..
"you'll get there someday"...
I thought the film was phenomenal!
Rocky I and this last movie sends a message to the dreamer who has all the heart and potential to be who they've always felt they should be regardless of external opinion.
I believe Rocky Balboa represents a significant aspect of Sly's true personality, integrity, devotion, and "the only thing that matters in this world; - Self Respect". Is it any wonder why he followed his bliss?
This movie was downloaded from God.
I love that guy for having done what he's done.
~ C.P.
I thought the film was phenomenal!
Rocky I and this last movie sends a message to the dreamer who has all the heart and potential to be who they've always felt they should be regardless of external opinion.
Rocky Balboa represents a significant aspect of Sly's true personality, integrity, devotion, and "the only thing that matters in this world - 'Self Respect'" etc.
Is it any wonder why he followed his bliss?
This movie was downloaded from God.
I love that guy for having done what he's done.
~ C.P.
I just got out of the theater and all I can say is WOW! What an amazing movie. I loved every minute of it. Sly, you did a wonderful job making this movie I am going to see it again tomorrow I can't wait for the release on DVD. thank you so much for making this. I wish there was another one to look forward to.
Mr Sly: Thank you for having the courage to tell another heart felt Rocky story. The scene with your son made me weep. Its one of those things that you want to tell your kids but the words don't come out right. You are a master story teller. Perhaps another while Rocky trains Steps?
I grew up watching the Rocky flicks and I have loved them for soo long. Sitting in the theater today watching RB was like sitting with an old friend remembering the past and looking towards the future. I smiled, teared up and cheered through the whole pic. The music was so incredibly melancholic (sp?) and it made me want to cry. I was caught off guard with Adrian's death and still feel very sad about that but it was befitting to the outcome of the movie. I just want to say Thanks Sly for such a wonderful contribution to our culture! Rocky is an icon and a true inspiration to our youth (i hope). I heard about your interview on 700 Club and I am wowed to hear about your faith! God Bless!!!!!
A better beginning could not have been scripted. Sly pulled this latest adventure of Rocky off with flying colors. The best acting I have ever seen him do.
He left nothing in the bag, literally, in this movie. That the earlier movies had an okay actor, this one deserves an academy award. Awesome job, bro.
I am an Adrienne fan and was disappointed to learn that Adrienne was not in the final chapter.
I guess I will have to reserve judgement. I will miss "Yo Adrienne".
yo rock my name is pascual jesus i am from peru so i live in san francisco ca for all this time
"Rambo II" was the first movie I ever got to see in a theater. Since that time I have been a fan of Sylvester Stallone. My children and I have watched all the Rocky movies over and over so when 'Rocky Balboa' came out my 7 year old wanted us to see it for his birthday treat. What we didn't expect was the gut wrenching emotions that would make us cry as Rocky showed his heart, and vulnerability. What a wonderful movie! Thank you S.S. for having the courage to show your heart and soul. We love you! Can't wait for the next Rambo movie! We were big fans of Talia Shire and missed her in the movie but after reading your blog understand why the 'widower'. You echoed the sentiments of people all over the world, who are drowning in their grief and despair. You are so awesome!
After 6 movies Sylvester Stallone is still as SeXy as can be! Ive seen the movie 3 times already and plan to go atleast 3 more! I LOVED IT!!! :)
rocky 6 is 1 of the best films i`v seen keep up the good work sly
Awkard question, but in Rocky IV during the training sequences while Hearts on Fire is playing, does anybody remember the 20-25 seconds of synthesizer key change? I can't seem to find a copy of Hearts of Fire with this key change included. If anyone has a copy of it - it would absolutely make my day.
he looks great well he allways has done from chloe a big fan
I love you Syl...you are de best forever.
I´m your big fan here in Brazil..anda I love you a long time .
So...congratulations for this film..Inever forget.
From Brazil...Samanta your big fan
Love you so much!!!!
I loved the movie, made me fall in love with him all over again! But then again I've always loved all the Rocky movies... you did a great job Mr. Stallone!! XoXo
Ok... Sylvester Stallone I am young... 12 I love the rocky movies! I don't care how long ago they were made I still love them! I have watched them all like 10000000000's of times my dad first showed me #6 then I watched the rest then when I came to 6 again I cried that movie means so much to me THANK YOU! for making them!
from: Daylan Big Fan!
Awesome movie. Anyone know or heard anything about a new box set being put together???
Welcome to Rocky's Land!!!!!!
Rocky Rules!!!!
Wow. I am also a young one.. ok 13 but my mom made me sit down and watch the 1st rocky and then i wanted to watch the 2nd one. i got into them and then like me my mom and my brother started watching the 3rd,4th,and 5th. I like fell in love with your personality. i was like rocky rocky rocky! my mom and i putt a wish-list on our Tivo so all the movies your in we'd watch them. haha. you have made me honestly a better person. i even learned some moves off of you( if i were some day have to you them.. i dont think it would happen but who knows). my dad, mom, brother and i went and saw rocky balboa in theatres and once it was over i cried. it was such a good movie and i thought it was really over. but then i read that saying " it aint over, till its over" and i realized it wasnt over. i really hope you read this and i know you probably did to everyone else but you really changed me to a better person to learn to do what i love. like i love to dance, sing, and im looking into modeling soon. but if i didnt see those movies i dont think i woudld have moved myself to do what i want. my friends think im too into you but i dont. your an inspiration. thanks rocky. your the bestt. =]
Love Always-
Ericaa <33
P.S- when i saw the 1-2 rockys i thought you looked really really good and i was scared to see what youd look like now but... you look really good for your age.. haha. byee
Rocky- your the best. for me,even being a 13 year old girl thanks for all you have done on being my inspiration for making me do what i want to do. your the bestt. =]
Love always,
Ericaa <333
P.S- in the 1-2 rockys you looked soo hott. i was kinda scared to see what you'd look like almost 30 years later but you look really good for your age. =]
your the best
erica <3333
sou fã do sly, há muito tempo desde crinças assisto seus filmes.
estou ansioso para assistir ROCK VI
e tambem RAMBO IV
ovo je super film
Rockkyyy is the besttttt =] x
rocky balboa was great.Cant wait 4 rambo.i want other rocky movies and quick! slyvester is so fit.i want a comic or magazine about him to cum out! please sly? come to bolton too!
My life has had ups and downs...in fact right now I'm in my dark moments once again...but Sly's vision has kept me going in my times of need. My hopes is that one day soon, I'll have a chance to shake his hand and say Man to Man, "Thanks".
im a big rocky fan hes a tough fighting boy hes a great actor stallone is
What is truly incredible about the whole Rocky character is that this screen character has actually had a monumental impact in transforming the lives of especially young kids growing up in less than favourable circumstances. I was 18 when by chance I saw Rocky on TV on News years Day 1984 and it for some reason I can never describe struck me to the core.
The sheer love that Rocky has brought to the lives of so many in itself is nothing less than miraculous – it really moves the human spirit in an awesomely positive way that no amount of preaching ever could.
For me it stopped me from following the immorale path of those around me and instead made me want to reach for the best there was in me and for that I am always always grateful – it is in the most trying times of my life when I have reached out in tears to God that I also hear and remember the stuff from the Rocky films and there are time when the “Redemption” track kicks in that I feel the tears – tears of joy – welling up.
For me Rocky is one of the things that transformed my life and still to this day inspires me to be courageous when I don’t think I can, to live with integrity and dignity.
How much I love this character I can never ever begin to describe but Sly you did us proud and we’ll always be grateful for Rocky Balboa. If I ever have kids – I would want them to have the values,the determination and the honour of Rocky Balboa.
One day I too will go up the steps of Philadelphia and I will probably cry again because in this life I have had more than my fair share of problems and issues but God and through God – Rocky has kept me going.
ROCKY U R THE BEST . . . . Got lots of inspiration from all ur rocky sequels ,
Please make one another part...cmon Rocky
Akhil Chaudhary
Awesome movie, Sly. My son is a pro boxer, Rich Gingras from NH. I watched as he worked his way up through the amateur ranks to win the 2006 Ringside World Heavyweight title. Most cannot fathom the drive and emotional fortitude that it takes for a man to make it in the sport of "the sweet science". Thank you for putting a human face and story to the sport through the legend of Rocky Balboa, the most famous (fictious) boxer of all time.
I Make a video about rocky
Rocky is my inspiration when times get tough for me. I have the entire collection including "Rocky Balboa"! Just yesterday on WGN America, there was a "Rockumentary". How cool is that? I must admit that "The Godfather" is my favorite movie of all times, BUT, "Rocky" is my "muse". Yo Sly, love you madly.
Rocky is a extraordinary movie. It transmits a message of superation for anyone.So,it´s not just a box movie.
i m french
i love stallone he is very beautiful
RO-CKY RO-CKY!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLY THE BEST!!!!!!!!
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