Trading Old Pain For New Pain
Mason "The Line" Dixon [ANTONIO TARVER] lands some "hurtin' bombs" of his own when he and Rocky Balboa [SYLVESTER STALLONE] stand toe-to-toe fighting for much more than a title!
-Craig Zablo

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The final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise hits theatres Friday, December 20, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
And now as an added bonus, an interview question and answer from Sly!
QUESTION: Did George Foreman have any influence on that decision that Rocky could still fight professionally?
SYLVESTER STALLONE: Well, that, George Foreman! George Foreman gives Rocky a great credibility. So does Larry Holmes, he's 53, or 54 fighting. There are a couple of fighters today living out. The oldest one is 58, I believe, Sol Mamby for real. So it's happened. They believe that Sonny Liston was almost 50 years old and fought Mohammed Ali and, you know, lied about it. But the point is as, as it's said in Rocky, "They just want to prove that the last thing to age is the heart." And this is just, you know, a symbolic gesture that when you're young at heart you're basically in the game.
Sly fans will also want to check out Round 11 of the great question and answer session that Sly is delivering each day at AIN'T IT COOL NEWS! Click HERE to get there!
-Craig Zablo
-Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this image click HERE!
The final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise hits theatres Friday, December 20, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
And now as an added bonus, an interview question and answer from Sly!
QUESTION: Did George Foreman have any influence on that decision that Rocky could still fight professionally?
SYLVESTER STALLONE: Well, that, George Foreman! George Foreman gives Rocky a great credibility. So does Larry Holmes, he's 53, or 54 fighting. There are a couple of fighters today living out. The oldest one is 58, I believe, Sol Mamby for real. So it's happened. They believe that Sonny Liston was almost 50 years old and fought Mohammed Ali and, you know, lied about it. But the point is as, as it's said in Rocky, "They just want to prove that the last thing to age is the heart." And this is just, you know, a symbolic gesture that when you're young at heart you're basically in the game.
Sly fans will also want to check out Round 11 of the great question and answer session that Sly is delivering each day at AIN'T IT COOL NEWS! Click HERE to get there!
-Craig Zablo
If anyone missed out, play these YouTube videos that show certain scenes in "Rocky Balboa" (one is the simulated fight scene between Balboa & Dixon and the other shows Rocky and Paulie in an emotional conversation while visiting what's left of the ice rink) ... You won't be disappointed.
- and -
Great Picture! Much more than a title......It's not a title fight, is it?
Dixon isnt as tough as Balboa! Just wait till you see his Hurt'n Bombs!
-Big J
Hey Sly,
Who do you think has embodied the character of Rocky the most in professional boxing?(Rocky Marciano, Mohammed Ali, George Forman.....), or do you think he is a mix of different boxers. Secondly who is your favourite proffesional boxer?
AWESOME! Rocky is the greates movies of all time. We love u Sly!
On IMDB's photo gallery for ROCKY BALBOA, there are a couple of shots ... feel free to peek them now. Some have already appeared in this blog. In total, there are 30 shots.
I cannot freaking wait for this movie to come out! I always watch at least one Rocky movie during Finals (I'm a senior in college). They make me feel like I can accomplish anything! I'm graduating in May, I'd like to think that the Rocky movies have helped me stay determined to finish!
The movie is going to be crazy!!! 8-) rating - 8 out of 10
WOW! Rocky will be feelin' that tomorrow!!! I still can't believe that Sly and Tarver actually wailed on each other! ITS PRETTY COOL!!! it makes the fight look more realistic and believable!!! JUST AWESOME!!! I can't even believe that ROCKY opens NEXT WEEK!!!!!! ITS SO EXCITING!!!! I am going to see it next Friday!!!! I want to wish all of my fellow fans a very merry Christmas!:) enjoy the movie:) Peace - Aron Scott
Holy Cow!!! it looks like Rocky can dish out as much punishment as he can take!! Dixon looks like he is also taking quite a beatin'! "Go For it ROCK!" RO-CKY RO-CKY RO-CKY!!! Thank you Sly you have made this the BEST Christmas I have EVER HAD!!!! THANK YOU!!!!:) Peace - Aron Scott
Time to put those gloves on Rocky, one last time and make an impact!!!!
I can not wait to see this film and but the collection on DVD.
I'm done with this blog! I take time to write about the movie and my comments are NEVER posted! I'm done wasting my time here! - Aron Scott
I'm really happy to be here in US to see the movie on the first day, I remember that I was in Brazil last time that I saw Rocky...Stallone really is a winner just like Rocky. Congrats Sly you are the best!!!
check this site out they have 11 clips great stuff!!
Yep, we also have to wait till february here in Belgium, Europe. That's going to be a long wait .. (I will stop reading internet blog news about the movie after the US release :p)
Mr. Stallone --- What you say about age is so very very true. Frankly, I think the media - always looking for a fresh face - tends to discount older athletes long before their time.
The most recent example of that occurred at the last Olympic Games. The media seemed almost in unison, saying that it was the last chance for Olympic skater, Michelle Kwan, to win a medal (at age 22). How quick they forget that years earlier, a Finnish man 10 years older than Kwan took the Gold Medal in the speed-skating competition - a much more rigourous task.
Youth is an advantage in any sport. But the ability to compete in any sport is composed of many facets - not the least of which is "passion." And, I look forward to your next film since I suspect this truth will be evident throughout.
uk realese when??
19th jan it seems?
I can relate in a way to The Rocky Character. I mean my name is Arturo Navarro, and have 16 wins as a Pro no losses 14 knockouts, however while I was living in Buffalo, My manager back then wasn't giving me the whole truth! Unfortunately I had to step away from boxing for 3 years and in the process lost my house and now this past summer as I stepped back into the ring I realized that I have to train diffrent ways now since I'm 35 years old. Might not sound too old in the heavyweight division but there are alot of young hungry lions out there. If anyone wants to check out my site the address is
they haven't finished it all yet but they will be adding fight footage soon, also if anyone wants to e mail me my e mail is
I hope to hear from you guys soon and Lets all go out and make ROCKY BALBOA the number 1 movie of the season.
God Bless
I can relate in a way to The Rocky Character. I mean my name is Arturo Navarro, and have 16 wins as a Pro no losses 14 knockouts, however while I was living in Buffalo, My manager back then wasn't giving me the whole truth! Unfortunately I had to step away from boxing for 3 years and in the process lost my house and now this past summer as I stepped back into the ring I realized that I have to train diffrent ways now since I'm 35 years old. Might not sound too old in the heavyweight division but there are alot of young hungry lions out there. If anyone wants to check out my site the address is
they haven't finished it all yet but they will be adding fight footage soon, also if anyone wants to e mail me my e mail is
I hope to hear from you guys soon and Lets all go out and make ROCKY BALBOA the number 1 movie of the season.
God Bless
I have a question about Rocky's record. The wins and losses don't seem to add up.
We're told in "Rocky" that Balboa has a 48-20 record. He loses to Apollo and wins the rematch. That should make him 49-21. Then he wins 10 straight title defenses ("Rocky III") before splitting two matchups against Clubber Lang. That should make him 60-22. We don't know if he fights again before Drago, but that being the last bout of his career (until now), Rocky should be at least 61-22.
Yet "Rocky Balboa" claims the two-time champ's record is 58-21-1. What gives?
Sly Stallone,
Thank you for giving us Rocky fans.. this last look at one of the greatest Fighters in Movie History. As a big Rocky fan and your past work, I really enjoyed the movie, and seen it tonight due to some advanced screening tickets I received from a CO worker as a Christmas gift.
Rocky has always been an inspiration to me, as I too was a former fighter, and martial artist with struggles due to a knee ACL injury. Walking out of the Theater you felt happy that Rocky's beast was finally at rest. I only wish I could enter the ring one last time.
Rocky will always be a true champ.
Thanks again Sly.
A Big fan,
Dave Lewis
San Jose, CA
Everyone, go to and type in "Rocky Balboa, new, scenes" on the SEARCH area... From there'll you see some scenes never seen before as well as behind-the-scenes footage during the making of this movie ... Enjoy!
Mr. Stallone.
I just saw the latest trailer on the quicktime movie trailer site. I didn't think I could get the PUMPED UP at work!!! AWESOME!
GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS....looking forward to the next installment of RAMBO!!! BRING IT ON!
Nuff Said!
I'm sad, very very sad!!! I'm from Argentina, wich means that I won't see ROCKY 'til...I don't have idea! And the petition??? :( I wanted a Worldwide Simultaneous Release but who cares?? The people of MGM doesn't care ROCKY's fans, that's what it seems. I know it's a matter of money but is so sad, I have to wait to see my favourite movie...:( :( :( I have no words
It is arriving at the hour. Alive Rocky. Congratulations Stallone for its success. Edmundo, a super fan of the Brasl!
rocky win
Malaysia release on 20 Feb 2007 --- gosh! Why so long?
As a 57-yearold who can still lift more weight in the gym than most people of any age, I started to get choked up when I saw the trailer. Here’s one for the guys who go out every day and fight for their lives, for the guys who fight to stay in the game. Here’s one for heart, for the old school. This could be the movie of a lifetime.
Hey guys,
i saw the movie last thursday at a sneak preview in was everything you could want to close the rocky legacy.great movie sly. i got choked up a lot, i laughed, i was nervous. it was great. im goin to the premier also. thanks sly.
bought my tickets for next Wednesday, first showing at 10:45am..:)
I began the Rocky saga from the beginning. See the 1 & 2, 450 times, the majority of which were in the movie theater, and somewhat similar number for the others. I emphasize the first two, not for a competition with other for viewing, but because I got clean & sober doing so. Rocky 3, I was home from the service, rented a limo, called the local TV stations, and they met us at the theater. It was cool, more. More so for me for my little brother at the time. I've been through a few rehabs, but today it has been eighteen years living clean and sober. I thought that was important to share with you all. Next year I'll be 50, 6'6'' 350 lbs, Wife 5 kids. I told a guy at work Rocky isn't ablout boxing. The whole crew jumped in, and rather then start a crap storm, I left it alone. Rocky is about life, and the chances of a underdog, regular people, whom can do whatever they desire.
My Adiran; Margie; and I will be at an early premier tomorrow. We'll be in line early. I'll be low key to see the people, and how they react anticipating the movie. I'll be waiting to see my friend for the last time. The freight train is coming Dixon, stay off the tracks
Thanks Sly
can anyone tell me if mickey plays any part in this movie even though he died in part 3
I'm agreed......the age isn't important........the only thing that really count is the heart and the bravery to face the fear.....stallone are the greatest!!!
Well what can i say ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY
The emotion of this movie is what stands out to me. The Rocky feeling is all there in this amazing movie. I've already seen this film 3 times and I still get choked up at most of the scenes and gotten chills during the final fight/round of the Rocky legacy. Most important is this movie has a good story and is FULL of emotion. Sylvester Stallone is a legendary genius and an inspiration to me and millions of people. If you haven't seen this movie yet you are missing out on an excellent film that packs a punch!! Also the message that this film brings across to the viewer is what stays with you as your leaving the theater. "Its not how hard you can hit its how many punches you can take and still be moving forward".
Sylvester Stallone is an inspiration to anyone trying to succeed in life. They don't make movies like these anymore. I live for movies like these.
This Rocky has the same emotion as the first Rocky. It's an event in movie history that cannot be missed. Seeing this movie makes you feel good in your heart. I'm seeing it again.
If you haven't seen this movie go see it. If you are reading this and visited this site you definately should go see this movie. Sylvester Stallone does the best acting in this movie then he has ever done in his career. A grand finale to the Rocky Legacy. I give it 4 stars ****
The best movie I have seen in a VERY long time.Rocky delivers in every possible way. This is worth watching again and again!!!
omg that film was wicked luved it so much i cant believe hes still doing boxing films at his age but wow i hope he does some more lol i do boxing my self hannah
Sylvester Stallone is an inspiration! Rocky is the most special movie of its kind.
can't wait to see it here in Indonesia. GO ROCKY !!!!
oh my god!!! ROCKY BALBOA the last ever ROCKY film. it cannot be i am not ready for them to finish. however i feel this will be the greatest ever ROCKY film of all time and be the best ever film full stop!!! all the other ROCKY films are amazing and i love to watch them 1once a month nearly every month because im a sad person like that. ha ha i am going to watch ROCKY BALBOA when it first comes out in england and i cannot wait at the moment there are only 7 days left untill its first showing i am hoping to reserve tickets for the first showing. it will be amazing!!! i know it!!! i am the greatest ROCKY fan ever i got 100% on the official quiz on the ROCKY website!!! im really excited bout ROCKY BALBOA ive been waiting for it for years!!!!
...a great actor, man, champion...
Your last Rocky it's really beautifull...all your film..from the first...
Go on Sly!You are the best!!!
Thanks for all emotions...
Michelangelo, fan from your Italy
I really enjoy the Rocky, but I wish Adrian was in it. Her character was so great and had good values. Even maybe as a ghost or something like that. No offense, but what happened to the brain hemorage? Maybe you could make one more Rocky, where he dies at the end and maybe we could see Rocky's kids grow up and start a family. Adrien could be a spirt that haunts Rocky and Pauly, not in a bad way, but just to let them know she still watches over them, and maybe Rocky could realize it is his time to go and be at peace with his life and move on and be with Adrian again..just my thoughts. :)
los felizito exelente film
los felizito exelente film
no me importa lo que la gente diga
es y sera el fin de una de las mejores sagas de todos los tiempos, ROcky marco una epoca y algunos talvez no les gusta pero a quienes la pelicula nos marco par siempre y nos hizo creer en algo...
I saw the movie..fantastic!it s not a stupid action film,it s "Rocky"!!!
veramente un gran finale di film per un uomo che ha saputo oltre che a segnare un'epoca e legare generazioni intere,anche donarci forti emozioni...stallone sei un mito!!!!
João Paulo Comments...
Rocky Balboa
The Best Series !!!
You are really ridicolous. You want to make a film about the claims of armenian genocides under Emrire Ottoman in 1915. Please read the real story first! You don't need a cheap story such as historical lies. You are already a hero Rocky! You don't need to do Rocky! It is too basic for you!
cuando rocky salio era lo mejor eso fueron buenos momentos cuando rocky pelio con el corazon y con ojo de tigre era exelente pero yo era un niño me facina todas las peliculas pero esta vez yo podre ver a rocky en el cine y eso sera lo mejor que puedo ver a un herue peliando con el corazon y va hacer la mejor pelea que nadie vera y no podra olvidar
i want a rocky 7!!!!!!!!!!!
i want a rocky 7!!!!!!!!!!!
i want a rocky 7!!!!!!!!!!!
Sylvester Stallone thank you for the emotions that you made us feel in this film. I feel like it came straight from your heart and theres nothing better than that. You are TRULY an Inspiration to us all. God Bless you and I hope you make more films with the same emotion that was present in Rocky Balboa.
j'adore tes film je sais que tu ne me répondra pas mais je vouler que tu sache que je t'aime de trop a bientot
au faite c'est pour quand le prochain rocky I love rocky and you
i luv rocky 6, well done sly
u rock
i absolutly luv the rocky films
and rocky 6 just blew me away i luved it, well done sly
j adore tes film et cette aprem je vais le voir au cinéma
slt je tadore 2 trop g vu plusieur 2 te film et je les regarde plusieur foi tellement il sont génial
Hello Sylvester Stallone,
J'ai vu en avant première ROCKY BALBOA, ce mercredi 23 janvier 2007 et je dis bravo et merci pour cette superbe fin, nostalgique, plein d'amour et pour ce message de courage et de fierté. Grand bravo…
Pascal, Sannerville, Calvados, France.
Hello Sylvester Stallone,
J'ai vu en avant première ROCKY BALBOA, ce mercredi 23 janvier 2007 et je dis bravo et merci pour cette superbe fin, nostalgique, plein d'amour et pour ce message de courage et de fierté. Grand bravo…
Pascal, Sannerville, Calvados, France.
i love you sly, you are the best. go on, "in a burning heart" still here.that ends,ends.
sly,you are great, not because you are an actor, byt because did things that others have not the ability to do that.i bekieve in you,capabilities and courage.thanks for the person who manages the are sly, no east no west, sly is the best.
feras el saleh(palistinian)
computer and communication engineering.
ROCKy té un fan^pour moi j adotre tout té films j espere que repondera
salut je m'apelle damien et je suis un fanne de vous et suis un jour vous vené a paris je seré herreu de vous voir moi j'habite a clermont ferand a+ bye je vous adors je vous donne mon adresse msn
Que dire de ce dernier Rocky ? Fabuleux, majestueux, magnifique, tendre, un Rocky un dur au coeur tendre. J'ai rêvé sur tous ses films et celui-là m'a fait pleurer encore !! Silvester Stallone est génial, un acteur comme en fait plus. Je lui souhaite de faire encore plein de films surtout pour moi afin de retourner au cinéma le voir et l'appécier. Merci Rocky, merci Mr Stallone, Bravo !!!!
Dude i cant belive it Mr.Stalone you are such a great actor im an 11 year old who now has a dream of boxing because of you thank you so much i have all of your movies you are an inspration to me
agin thanks,
Lisa age 11
ohhh ma goshhh..dis movie touched me soo gud dat i couldn’t stop crying lifted me wen i was gave me strength wen i coudnt move on..fankz Stallone foa this wonderful movie...
I thought that at the age near 60 the latest rocky movie would not be real. I am wrong, my father who is turning 60 this year has just lost 33kg through eating correctly and exercise. Lots of exercise yet he has bones in his ankles that are flaking away, he has arthritis in his hands and knees. Then seeing Rocky with similar problems just made the movie more real. Thank you Mr Stallone it was and will be a great movie to me.
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