Are YOU the "Ultimate Rocky Fan?
Are you the ultimate Rocky fan? Do you want to win a pair of boxing gloves autographed by SYLVESTER STALLONE? If you answered, "yes" to both of those questions, then I have the contest for you!

Click HERE for all contest rules. Oh yeah, guess who will be judging the contest! Yep, me! So get your entries in soon!
-Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this image click HERE!
Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC

Click HERE for all contest rules. Oh yeah, guess who will be judging the contest! Yep, me! So get your entries in soon!
-Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this image click HERE!
Photo by: John Bramley
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
So the time is finally come. Unfortunately i must wait till January 12th, because here in Italy the movie won't come before that day. Good vision to all the lucky men that can view this event today...and don't tell ya nothing about the end. I pray to you all, even and especially Craiz Zablo. I wanna thank him for making the long waiting for this movie less hard...and most of all i wanna thak God for putting Rocky back in the ring...the ring of life. We needed him and the hero finally come.
Do you know what will be the bad thing of this huge movie? Thath will be the last. No way there'll be another one. I don't really know what it's bigger in me now, the happiness for seein a rocky movie at the cinema (i was too young to see there the previous) or the sadness of knowing that surely won't be anymore Rocky in our lifes. The whole world won't be the same with rocko and there won't be any other heroes like him.
That's too bad that you can only use those materials. There's no way I could re-work my fansite to do that, and I probably have the most original ones out there! No one has ever done Rocky fan-fiction as far as I know =(
But there's already a great site posted, so that's good. I just wish Sly could have a look at my site. I'm sure he'd have a good laugh about how I tried to breath even more life into a character he created.
TODAY'S THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait to see Rocky 6 !!! Cmon Rocky !
Hola soy Adrian Sanchez de Ecuador,fan de Rocky desde pequeño, incluso lo q hice con mi primer sueldo fue comprarme la coleccion en DVD, sigue adelante Sly, tus peliculas son leccines de vida
"You may not download the materials if you are located outsite the United States."
Why? This is too bad for me, because I would like to do this site. I live in Finland, and I was excited about this competition, but then I noticed this. If this competition has this kind of rule, it should be said right on the front page..
Well, I've seen it, and I'm really glad I did. I looked forward to this movie for months, posted some comments on this blog, even trained for the movie. I liked all of it, and I saw it with my son, and he said he liked it too. He thought Rocky was a nice guy and a really strong man.
Sylvester, great movie. Thank you!
You may not download the materials if you are located outsite the United States."
I can't believe this! What happen with rocky's fans of other countrys?? Like myself! I'm a big fan since I was a kid and I live in Argentina. And now NOT only I can't see the movie today (I have to wait 'til March with any luck)also I can't participate of the contest!!! It's so unfair...I'm very sad...
I p;osted my site on the fan site contest and now I dont see it?
did you delete my rocky site?
Oh my God, that was a great movie, I saw Rocky Balboa, I laughed, I cried, it was just an amazing movie, Sly you truely made another classic, no disrespect to Rocky V but this was the right way for Rocky to go out, a true heart of a champion and have his last match in that ring. Thank you Sly, the movie was worth the wait and I as a Rocky fan thank you for the great ride through all these years. It has been one hell of a ride, thank you Rocky and God Bless.
Just saw the movie today, will leave comments about it till later. It was released here in Vancouver today the 20th, and it was great. Movie theatre attendance was sparce but good considering it was a matenee. Enjoy
already saw it. first showing lol it was sooo good, best out of all of em. stallone gives a GREAT PERFORMANCE as always. i reccommend this film to everyone
-Big J
I just came back from the movie theater. A lot of words came to my mind after watching Rocky Balboa. The movie was really moving.
Thank Sly.
Brenda Terzian song, " When the Road's Rocky and Long ".
(song excerpt: When the Road's Rocky and Long)
When the road's Rocky and long
(dum, dum, dum)
And you feel you should give in
(dum, dum, dum)
That's the time you must get strong
You know where you belong
Just find your strength within
(dum, dum, dum)
Some fights just do seem too long
(dum, dum, dum)
Even more the inner ones
(dum, dum, dum)
When the road's Rocky and long
And it feels hard pushing on
But dawn comes when night is done
(dum, dum, dum)
(more at song lyrics site)
song by Brenda Terzian
One question....Is there going to be a playstation 2 game of this movie?
I loved the movie. I'm a huge fan and this was truly a great ending to the Rocky Saga. I cried practically the whole time. It really exceeded my expectations! I can't wait to own a copy! I love you Rocky!!!
I loved the movie. I'm a huge fan and this was truly a great ending to the Rocky Saga. I cried practically the whole time. It really exceeded my expectations! I can't wait to own a copy! I love you Rocky!!! ocky!!!
saw the movie last night. It was extremely well done. Very moving and loved every minute of it.
They were filming in our theatre (near Philly) for a national television commercial for the movie. They told us to whoop it up and enjoy the movie. The crowd went crazy when the da da dadadadadadadada started right before the training montage, and I found myself rooting Rocky on during the fight out loud "C'mon Rock, you can do it!" It was corny and improbable, but "I Loved it!" I went to the movie with my 15 year old son and it was a special moment to share with him that I will remember forever. The movie was so touching and personal that I couldn't hold back the tears. There were a few things I would change about the movie, the fight sequence did not have the look of a movie film but rather a TV program which I felt took away from the focus on the character and the fact that Dixon breaks his hand early in the fight took away from Rocky's heart and determination as a big factor for his going the distance (seemed like Rocky only hung in because Dixon was hurt). After the movie they were interviewing people in the lobby for the commercial, look for me chanting Rocky Rocky! OK, my obsession is over, it was a great ride, thanks Sly!
A big thanks to Craig Zablo for a tremendous job on the buildup to the film!
can anyone tell me if, in any of the films there was a bar named lucky 7?
Thanks, Zita
anyone can help me?
In what movie of rocky apeeares a bar named lucky 7
Saw the movie -- wow -- that is the best movie I have seen in a very long time . . .
I am nearly speechless. It was amazing, incredible, wonderful. I was in tears throughout. Thanks, Craig. This has been a fun-filled ride. My only regret is that it is over. That was the hardest part of watching the film; knowing that this is the end. I teared up again at the beginning of the 10th round of the fight, just knowing that this was about the end of an era. Rocky, you will live on forever!
I am absolutely thrilled I saw the movie Rocky Balboa Wednesday evening. The 8:20 showing and the theater was packed to capacity!
If you have seen any other Rocky movie in the past you owe it to yourself to see this movie – the last and final “chapter” of the story.
I am not going to write about specifics because I don’t want to spoil the thrill and pleasure of watching this story unfold. What I do want to share is this: it is a good illustration about life and being true and honest with one self. I agree with the review on Fox website Wed. morning – Rocky’s speech to his son is worth the price of admission.,2933,237605,00.html?sPage=fnc.foxlife/movie
It will not win an Oscar and it was not made with that goal in mind. I believe Stallone after the mess of Rocky V decided he needed to focus on what made Rocky the unbelievably successful character that he was --- he needed to put the focus on Rocky.
And he did it masterfully in my opinion. Way to go Sly!! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE!
At the close of the movie applause erupted in the theater. Adding goosebumps to more goosebumps.
We [Wifey and I] left the movie with a HUGE lump in our throats, squishy eyes, and a feeling of optimism and hope you usually don’t have or experience when seeing a movie. It is fuel for the “fire” and gives some of us who feel something “in here” that they desperately want to let out.
Go see the movie – you will understand – and you will be SO glad you did.
Zita, Lucky 7 was Andy's bar. Which is visited in Rocky I, III, and V.
I hope there's a extended edition for the DVD, there seemed to be a lot of cut scenes...
..or maybe I just wanted it to go longer.
We love you Rocky!!! You can do it!!!!!!
This movie has truely moved me! I went and saw it today(Thursday) and it is simply MAGICAL! I cannot say more about how much I appriciate this film! Sly you are amazing! Everything you touch, seems to turn to gold:) I absolutely LOVED this movie! It is just purely INCREDIBLE to say the least! and also VERY Inspiring!!! It is also VERY emotional, especially if you are a DIE-HARD, lifetime ROCKY fan as I am! This movie will at times lift your spirit and take you to a magical place that you just don't want to leave! I was beside myself with emotion throughout the entire movie! The ending of this phenomenal 30 year story is completely satisfying! It will bring you to tears while giving you hope at the same time! THIS FILM SHOULD WIN AN OSCAR! 10 of them! Take your family and your friends to see this movie! It does not dissapoint! Thank you Sly SO MUCH, you have no idea how much this means to so many people all across America! ROCKY brings hope to those in need of it:) Thank you Sly for putting something out there that is healthy and inspiring! This film is an ABSOLUTE KNOCKOUT!!!!!! We love you ROCKY! Thank you Sly for giving us one last ride! peace - Aron Scott
Lucky 7 was the bar that was in a lot of the movies, and is where Rocky meets Marie who is bartender in the latest film...
WOW!!!!! It was Great SLy!!!! It gave me goose bumps!!! LOL Never thought I would hear that sound in a theater.... I loved it!!!! GOOD JOB!!!! YOU DID IT !!!
Sly...Thank You so much! The film was incredible, It reminded me so much of the first two films....The fight was classic, In my oppinion I thought it was the best fight scene...I saw it twice in one day, The first and last showing, both were sold out. I'm glad I got too see Rocky in the theaters, It was a heart pounding experience! WAY TO GO SLY! WE LOVE YOU! NOW BRING ON RAMBO :)
Ps...You took it to that guy outside the bar :p
Please make this an international contest! What's the deadline for this anyway?
Rocky 6 is INCREDIBLE! Non-stop emotion and action.
Thanks Sly for the ending this amazing and inspiring series with such dignity.
I saw the trailer and wow, I feel I also ought to take a jobbingtour. He is inspiring, still going strong.
Stallone and Rocky are sensational. It is my preferred film, later comes the Hawk. I am fan of the Stallone therefore it showed claw, overcoming and devotion when making Rocky Balboa. Congratulations. Edmundo, a super fan of Brazil!
Desde que vi en los años 1977 la pelicula me converti en un fanatico tanto que he imitado la vida que llevo ejemplarmente el personaje de Rocky, es una enseñanza tremenda esta pelicula para estas generaciones por favor veanla y tomen consejo de estas peliculas ami me fue bien y hasta ahora que tengo 38 años me siento muy feliz y en perfecto estado se salud y siempre haciendo ejercicios.Rocky para mi eres el mejor y me encuentro emocionado tanto como cuando era niño es mas me recuerda mi niñes la cual fue muy feliz es como si volviera a entrar al cine a ver nuevamente la primera parte.VIVA ROCKY.DE VENEZUELA LUIS
I just saw the movie for the second time since it opened on Wednesday and I have to say that Sly did well! I would recommend the movie to anyone who liked the first 4. Rocky Balboa was awesome!
Thanks a lot for what You are doing!Information, that I managed to find here
is extremely useful and essential for me!With the best regards!
It isn't finished... It needs one more... Bring on ROCKY BALBOA II... Sly was being sly... Dixon broke his hand early on, that means he's gonna' want a rematch. I didn't here no bell... One more round... If anything Sly, and if your dead set on no sequal, then then start the tv series. There's money to be made here!!! The story isn't over, the third part of Rocky's life was just begining. I wasn to know where the Charactor goes with the new (love interest?). Heck, se the series at 23 episodes, leading upto Rocky 7, where Rocky rematches Dixon. In Season 2, you have Rock's son training to pick up where Rock leaves off. At the end on Season to comes Rocky VIII where maybe Rocky JR gets his shot at a lower belt, and so on and so on... The story isn't over. Can't just leave it like this. I want to know what becomes of his son, and Rocks relationship with this girl. I want to know what's said after the fight. I want to here Dixon say that Rocky was lucky his hand was broke and that he didn't take the fight (dixon) seriouly enough. Of course Rock say's he's finished, but the chanp keeps comin' (like Apollo). Finally Rock say, put the title on the line and you have a deal. How about this: Mayb Rocky see's himself in Dixon, you know, Rocky III. Mic said Rocks fights were hand picke, kinda' like Dixon. Again, Dixon is pusjin' for a rematch. Rock has a talk with him, and again, my idwa, the title up for grabs this time, but still the fight only happens on one condition. They train together. Rocky mentours him. You can get the picture... There's just so much more
I've always fantasised that the cufflinks that (or wrote my own Rocky 6 - started to anyway) Mickey gave to him were from Rocks's dad, Rocky Marciano (of which he never knew). Mic knew it, Rocky didn't... There's just soooo much more...
(sorry for spelling - not proof reading either - don't care o - going on 40 sleep, and getting ready to hit the hey - you get the idea though...)
I saw the film yesterday, and I loved it. I want to thank Sly for making one more Rocky. He still looks great and he is a true inspiration to many people. Thank you so much Sly, and your acting was superb in Rocky Balboa.
i just came back from watching the movie, and it was amazing. way better than i thought it was going to be. now rocky is finally ended. i'm not one to cry but i was a little teary eyed. i just kept saying in my head this is really the last time i'm going to see rocky. two thumbs way up!! thank you sly.
OK Ben, you are pushing it. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the story's over. It was a perfect ending to a brilliant story and like Sly said himself, the reason Rocky fades away at the end of the film is because Rocky is no more. It is done.
what a film.... love every momoent. pure joy.
this film is abut life not just boxing. give me frash look abut myself. i am withot work for ayear now. but i can take that puch now
i went to the movies with my 5 foot italian father in the 70,s when we would come out after a rocky movie my dad would be 6 feet tall! rocky will always be a part of my life. my dad died before this last installment but while in the theater with my husband we could feel my dad cheering rocky on.thank you sly for the heart and soul you put into rocky all these are rocky balboa i feel like you made this last one just for me and my dad franky scarafone
my from is gabriel,my from is argentina,come rocky balboa,adm great
this is picture is great and you are a really great acter.
palestine love sly extremely with no exceptions. go on sly.e all human beings.only love.
"Rocky Balboa" was awesome. Sly did a amazing job. Happy New Year to him and his family.
Dear Craig:
Hi. I entered the ultimaterockyfan website contest. I hope you like it. I followed the rules of not disassembling or decompiling any of the photos or movies. I also didn't include any other media on the site in accordance with the rules. Irrespective of the outcome, however, I really enjoyed making this site and I hope other fans including yourself will let me know what you think. I plan to keep it going even after the contest is over.
Thanks and Happy New Year.
cant wait for new film rocky balboa com on rocky knock yourman out com on rock
I'm writing from Spain. As a Rocky fan, have you seen the interview in with Sly? It's great, here's the link:
ola decirle a silvestre sthalone k aga otra pelicula de rocky y k es el amo
Hello, great site, I found a lot of useful information here, thanks a lot for Your work!
With the best regards!
He should have won the fight...Thats what we all wanted to see thats what Rocky is supposed to be all about i was soo hyped up watchin the match and waz waiting for him to knock him out in the last round as always...I loved the film but was absolutely gutted and disappointed at the end HE SHOULD HAV WON I SO MUCH WANTED TO SEE IT....Anyone agree...??? Cathal-Northern Ireland
Thanks a lot for this place, where people can leave their ideas and opinions, it's great!With the best regards!
I saw your new movie twice and will buy the DVD when it comes out. You are the only actor I know of that seems like an old friend you've grown older with. Your Rocky movies are a great lesson on family, friends, and having morals.Your new movie touched me so many times. Sorrow, compassion. laughter, and even tears{I'm a guy so I done pretty good holding them back}.
God Bless and Thank You for sharing your talents and life with us through the years.
Hello, thanks a lot, You'v done a great job.I can only realize how much time and resources does it take to create such a resource!Great work, I am impressed!
I watched the DVD and I loved it. I cried throughout almost the first viewing of the the movie I found myslef cheering on Rocky like I did when I first saw it when I was eleven years old. Sly you have to come out with more Rocky's they are the best movies ever. I have seen every one of your first five Rocky's and now the Rocky Balboa. You bring a side out of people you don't realize and don't let anyone tell you no either. This film did very well too. Great job. I hope there are more to come. Thanks for the greatest movies I continue to watch over and over. Always a fan.
yo buddy i dotn need no ultimate contest to prove im a bigger fan than you.
i ve seen the movies so many times i dont even think you can count that high i am the biggest ROCKY FAN THERE IS AND VER WILL BE. PERIOD!
I have been a Rocky fan since the first movie came out, I am now 40 years old. I recently rented the new Rocky Balboa movie on Blu Ray, and my 10 year old daughter watched it with me. She really enjoyed the movie and started asking me about the original movie. I since bought the 5 movie set and my daughter and I watched Rocky I, II. III, IV and V.She is a huge fan and all she talks about is Rocky and his great personality, and how she loves him. She has told her friends and they are all coming over to watch the movies all engaged... Thanks for having a solid hero to cheer for... and a great role model. FYI her favorite Rocky movie was Rocky I and III, she notice Rocky stopped saying Yo Adrian in Rocky III and IV, when he became civilized...
IL9oyv Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
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