"It Ain't About How Hard You Hit"
Rocky Balboa [SYLVESTER STALLONE] is still standing after ten brutal rounds. Rocky's corner: Duke [TONY BURTON], Spider Rico [PEDRO LOVELL] and Rocky Jr. [MILO VENTIMIGLIA] know that their man has done the impossible... he stood toe-to-toe with the Heavyweight Champion of the World!
"Rocky Balboa," despite facing tough competition at the box office, is more than holding its own! The critics are nearly unanimous in their praise of the movie, many making special mention of Sly's work as writer, director and actor. It's a great time to be a SYLVESTER STALLONE / ROCKY fan!
The final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky is in theatres now! Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
- Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this picture click HERE!
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
"Rocky Balboa," despite facing tough competition at the box office, is more than holding its own! The critics are nearly unanimous in their praise of the movie, many making special mention of Sly's work as writer, director and actor. It's a great time to be a SYLVESTER STALLONE / ROCKY fan!
The final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky is in theatres now! Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
- Craig Zablo

For a larger version of this picture click HERE!
2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC
-Big J
AWESOME!!!! This is a really cool photo! My god he looks exhausted! This was such a great movie, I think I might go see it again this week if I can!! This is so awesome! I just got the New Rocky 2-disc collectors edition DVD, the new ROCKY: Ultimate Guide Book, and the brand new ROCKY BALBOA soundtrack for Christmas! They are all SPECTACTULAR!!!!! Especially the music! this soundtrack ROCKS!!!!! The music gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes! I was also surprised at how choked up I got while watching the movie! It was VERY emotional for me and VERY nostalgic! It reminded me of when I first fell in love with ROCKY in the sixth grade! I hope everyone has enjoyed this film as much as I have! Sly, once again, THANK YOU SSSSOOOO MUCH! You made my Christmas So Special this year:) THANK YOU!!!! Happy New Year all my Fellow ROCKY fans! peace/love - aron scott
sly your the man! you are my favorite actor of all time.
thanks for doing another rocky!
Steve Brandes
it was a great movie, the best one yet. the only problem that i had and have heard many people say was the fact that he didnt win. it should of at least been a tie. and implying that the only reason he done as well as he did in the fight was because dixon broke his hand. rocky should of been able to take him no matter what, dixon was nonthing compared to apollo and clubber. that said, it was still the BEST out of all the films
How long will this blog last!? I hope for a little while longer:) just keep the pics comin'! They are AWESOME!:)
I have saw this movie 4 times and today i'm gonna watch it again.. It's simply phenomenical what Rocky did.. I think is the best Rocky movie with the first Rocky film.. All Rocky films are great but at the first film and the last film Rocky is a huge underdog.. At the first movie nobody knew Rocky.. At the last everybody was making jokes about his age.. But he proved that nothing is impossible.. That movie cellebrates the human spiriti, something that most people are ignoring it.. Thank you Rocky, thank you Stallone..
Hi, i'm from Italy...here it's a big day today...finally the italian trailer has came out.
Unfortunately there's a big problem and it's about the italian translation of the dialogues. I was asking to myself if is it right change the sense of the words and the scenes only to give to the italian people this film.
Few examples "i don't wanna Mason The line get mangold and embaressed"..."nobody can't beat me down" or "mason the line dixon"..."mason the beast dixon"...
stallone is the greatest....I have watched rocky since I was a child....it's fantastic.....this movie is a great idea!!!
The movie was awesome! 8-)
I've already blogged but for some reason my comments aren't getting through, so I will say it again. This was AMAZING! Sly, you did it again! I have to admit that it took me a few days to process just how emotional this movie made me but I am ready to see it at least one more time since we have to wait so long for the DVD to come out! This was superb...genius...spectacular! I LOVED IT!!!!! GO ROCK!
What an awesome movie. We saw it on Christmas Eve and I can't say enough about it. What I want is a trascript of the talk he gave his son. "It ain't about how hard you hit". I need it! We all need it and that courage in our hearts.
Great movie. Great actor! Strong guy. Looks tired. Earned his money.
Hope Rocky Balboa is a big success because it was a great character movie!
Send that guy to the shower!
thank you Sly i know that Rocky Balboa mean more than movie RB mean a life style so the story is awesome
ill see again tonight with all my family
rocky rocky rocky rocky
Hi ive just flew from my home (the UK) to the states to see the movie, as i couldn't wait for the UK release date(JAN 19), and have to say it is excellent, but after watchin all the trailers etc and seeing all the movies stills, i see there is a few bits missing from the final cut, i just hope that they are an additional extra on the dvd!!!
You did it again! I love the "Rocky" movies. When I went to see "Rocky Balboa" I wasn't sure why you wanted to make this one. After 10 minutes of it I was hooked. This was so emotional for me I couldn't believe it.
You are a great writter, director, producer and actor.
I am impressed! I take my hat off to you. You definitely know how to make good movies. You'll always be one of my favorites. Thanks for this one. It was a real feel good movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it again soon!
everybody loves this movie, but im stuck in the UK waiting to see it yet, im a massive massive fan of sly stallones. How does the fight end! is it on points in rocky's favour??? please tell
The movie was fantastic. Inspiring. And very emotional to me. It's been 30 good years. This movie returns Rocky to his roots where he began. A fitting end to an amazing run. Thanks, Sly, for doing this. We needed it almost as much as you did.
"You may not understand now, but you will when it's over. You will when it's over!" - Apollo; Rocky IV. That line makes so much more sense now seeing Rocky Balboa.
oh oh spoilers... i haven't seen the movie yet :-/
I can't seem to get the film out of my head. It's thirty years of cinematic memories flooding our collective thoughts. A satisfying finish for the fans without question.
I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but it seems like certain subplots may have been eliminated in the interest of running time. The re-introduction of Duke, certain training elements from the trailer that were not included as well as the arc of Steps' character, who is featured prominently in the first half and sidelined in the second half. There is also a glance between Rocky Jr. and Steps that hinted at some tension from a possible confrontation, but who knows.
I hope there is a director's cut of the film; a 2 hour version with some of that excised footage restored. I'd love a longer training sequence if possible.
What a great franchise this has been. And it culminates in the addition of Rocky to the National Film Registry.
seen it twice already. Can't wait for the DVD. Bring on Rambo 4!!
Nice to see a good movie recognized. Definitely will see this movie again and again for "motivization".
Does anyone have a ball park time frame of when the DVD will be released? I have already seen this amazing film multiple times, and just can't wait until I can own the DVD.
I would like to say thank you too!!! This movie meant a lot to me and is now one of my very favorites. Life is hard and it is about getting up without pointing fingers. Thank you so much!
I loved the movie, as long as you've seen the first few films, you should love this one.
hi im a great fan of rocky.........
but who is sitting in the corner in round ten when rocky get up the last time??
watch it in slow motion............
greets from germany
SYLVESTER YOU ARE THE BEST...I Want know you!I'm italian and I see Rocky for 200 times!
It is good to see a movie about heart and self pride, and not alot of bs gang shit!! The first Rocky is my all time greatest movie...dealing with caring,being HUMBLE, pride in yourself..(not what others think of you), and having HEART, to make a stand !! This Rocky is right up there with the first Rocky...I stand and HONOR , STALLON and all the others that went into making this GREAT movie...
I too was emotional throughout and after the movie. I mean, I can't believe I am even on this blog spot. I've never blogged before in my life! I saw the movie today with my husband. I defintely want to go back and see it again. The spirit of fulfilling a dream was amazing! Thanks Sly!!!
I too was emotional throughout and after the movie. I mean, I can't believe I am even on this blog spot. I've never blogged before in my life! I saw the movie today with my husband. I defintely want to go back and see it again. The spirit of fulfilling a dream was amazing! Thanks Sly!!!
RB was a spirit lifting movie. Loved it, sentm everyone I know to see it!
Truly a great movie. I'm not just saying that either SLy! I loved the movie and have seen it 3 times already. I'm not a freak or anything , just brought my wife one night my son a couple nights later and went again with a friend. It gets better everytime I go. The movie ended quick the first time but the 2nd and 3rd it was perfect. I guess me being a Rocky fan all my life I kind of expected it to be like the others, but it wasnt. After seeing it twicw I understood it better. I wont say anything else,I dont want to spoil it for those who havent seen it..Cant wait to buy it on dvd.....God bless Sly....Franco
I cried from beginning to end. I still tear up if I talk about it. What a fantastic movie and I am so glad I took my 9 year old son. It teaches so many life lessons! Thank you, Sly!
Thank you Rocky, you made America.
Thank you Sly, for making this movie. It needed to be made. It made a big difference in my and many other people's lives. I have to do what I gotta do to make myself happy, and I gotta do what I love. You showed what a true champ is made of, and it has nothing to do heavy weight belts or troply or Oscars.
Wow!! Just saw the movie tonight. What an inspiration. This movie is about our journey through life. This sums up what we should expect as we get older. How we should treat people ,and if there are any unanswered issues in your life that need attention. You still have time to make things right only if your internal clock is still clicking. Give up!! Yeah that's easy. Should we? I know I have. Hey!!! Why wait for the New Year? I hope don't again. Thanks Sly. I wish your magazine was still in print. Have your Sly moves. Hope it doesn't go to waste for another year. Always a Sly fan.
there is only one thing to say about this movie well two things 1)IT WAS DEEP 2)IT REACHED THE CORE OF YOUR HEART
Just thinking that there will be no more Rocky Balboa and this is the last sequel just makes me feel that i'm gonna miss that fearce and kind hearted character created by the amazing Sylvester Stallone no more yo Adrian or that amazing absoloutly.But yes thats life and it gave a really good message to me that life really isnt all sunshine and rainbows its really tough and you have to go through alot to prove your alive not to others but to your self.I'm 20 and i'm lucky that i've been alive in the making of one the Rocky sequels ,i've been waiting for that movies for years but now no more collecting Rocky pictures of the new Movie....but in the end I have to thank Sylvester Stallone for a wonderful and amazing movie , u've made me realize that i must fight for what I want and at last thank you for years of joy and excitment and the things u made me learn and realize thank You Sly.
I’ve wrote once before… My spelling kinda’ sucked, because I hadn’t had much sleep. This one should be better though. Don’t leave it there Sly… Give us one more ROCKY. Me, of course, I’ll take ROCKY X (10) if you were willing… I’m serious though, those cufflinks Mic got from Rocky Marciano could actually have been given to Mic for a reason. Maybe Marciano trusted Mic to give them to his “son” latter on when he was old enough… I’d like to see Rocky turn out to be Marciano’s son, after all, it would explain a lot of things… ;-)
I want to know if Rocky’s relationship with this girl progresses any. Heck, only at the end of the movie do we see Rocky and his son together on the same page. Also, you know Dixon has gotta’ want a rematch. He broke his hand, and he has an excuse, as if he wouldn’t use Apollo’s, “I didn’t take the fight seriously enough.” I’d like to see Rocky see himself in Dixon, you know, in ROCKY III where Mic told Rocky his fights were hand picked. Maybe Dixon wants a rematch, and Rocky only agrees on two conditions. (1) The title is up for grabs, and (2) they train together. Heck, maybe even JR trains with them in preparation for his first ever fight. We could actually get two for one here… I would also like to hear Rocky tell his son who won that favor Apollo asked Rocky for. Of course, it would have to be Apollo who won… ;-) (I’d be a nice touch)
Here’s another option if all else failed: Make more Rocky movies straight to video. Here’s the catch… You can’t rent them, you’d have to buy them. Trust me Sly, all of us true Rocky fans would be there in a heartbeat… I didn’t here no bell… One more round… Rocky proved you can always make a comeback and stand up to the best, now it’s time to prove you can beat the best… It isn’t over till it’s over…
Ben Koehn
Please,more Rocky movies, Sly, Your the best....more...more:-)
From Portugal
Love the movies, love the guy. Rocky is my hero! Live on Rocky! Good thing I live in Philly, I pass his statue everyday while going to school! Love everything ROCKY!
A very spiritual movie and one that invites us all as we grow older to consider what we have in us that needs doing. It is also a testimony to the importance of intergenerational relationships and the value of mentoring for young persons by family and friends.
This last installment ranks right with the original movie.
And it's not really about fighting, it's about relationships and friendship and courage.
Anyone with son - and who has had troubles with their son - will tear up in this film.
I'll be going again to see this movie.
I have been a fan since Rock y was born and this last one was the best ever. I wish I could get the transcript of the talk with his son...would like to post it for my son to read every day. God bless.
Simply put: Thanks Rock. The movie is a gift to all of us.
I had a feeling based on the hype over the past few months this movie was going to be special. It not only did not disappoint as some had feared, it went beyond any expectations. I finished 2006 out tonight, New Year's Eve, seeing it with my family. For several reasons I won't go into, it was fitting for me finish the year out with this movie. It was perfect way to end what started as a rough year and finished strong in my own life.
It blew me away emotionally. I was a mess. How can a father not cry during this movie? My wife loved it. She originally did not even want to go, not really knowing what to expect. Then I look over and she is crying during the meat locker scene when Rocko says to Paulie he cannot breathe sometimes. Who has not felt that loss in our own lives? My 8 year old loved it, although it will make more sense to her when she is a little older.
What did it mean to me?
This movie may be one, if not the best movie I've ever seen. On so many levels, it hits you in the heart, yet teaches you about life. It's about America, about human spirit, about personal relationships and the struggle we all face. It's about family, God, facing life with courage. It is optimism, yet protrayed with real-terms and with simplicity. Sure, a lot of movie are about these themes, but not one ever pulled it off like this - not one! This IS the movie.
This movie should be a must-see for all of us. It reminds us of what we are made of, what is important. Rocky's speech to his son was more a speech to all of us. I am so proud of how this film came out.
Go ahead and say I've gone off the deep end. I don't care. This is how the movie made me feel.
I'll never forget this movie and it's message.
The movie was a gift. We're thankful.
sly, i've seen the movie twice. I seen it once by myself,then with my husband, and tonight i,m going to see it with my two kid's. sly thanks for a awesome movie it's the best movie out there that makes people want to see it over, and over again. thanks!!!!!!!
This movie was such an inspiration to me.We all need to hear the talk Rocky gave his son about never giving up and to keep on trying.Mr. Stallone thank you for such an uplifting movie.
Sly ,you look awesome in this pic!!!! Unbelievable....You motivate me so much. You are part of the reason I survived my brain surgery back in May of 06. I was an Instone Contestant and I was in the best shape of my life going into surgery. I am sO glad you put that competition out. I wouldnt have done as well in my recovery if you wouldnt have put that out. I had the health I needed to get through it. God Bless you Sly. I entered again after my surgery, well not right after, I waited until my Doc gave me the ok. Drew Cox's(instone) know's about me. Franco C...(ask him)Dont want to put my full name on this. I hope I win and get to meet you in person.It would be a dream come true. Thank you again Sly!!!! Franco C from LakeCharles,La.
First, I thank you for this blog, a superb idea. Second, I adore Sly Stallone because he gets it, and gets it perfectly. He always has and this has spoken to my heart. I have never been a boxer, but I damn sure am a fighter.
Chills and tears accompanied my every viewing of every one of Sly's Rocky's movies, and his documentary on the History Channel I watched in Baghdad, poetically enough.
The undercurrent is of his movies is missed: a courageous, moral and passionate life of an underdog that has been me for 53 years.
Rocky was to his last fight, the underdog, laughed at-never expected to be what he became-a poor kid, passionate, selfless and had an Italian American heart of selfless passion that touched every part of my life.
Rocky earned everything he attained, never took anything from anyone, and if you notice, even when he gave that young Gen X a run for his money, he still loved the kid and told him he had a lot of heart.
Rocky is all about love, passionate, selfless and courage. I have a son and a daughter and this movie hit me especially emotionally because of how he handled his son's lack of honor in all things.
I know about the stuff in the basement in my life and career and I know very well about moving forward when there is every reason to give up. If you notice, Rocky did not mention hitting others, he mentioned how hard you can get hit-and keep moving forward.
Sly gets it. GenXers need to see this movie and pay close attention to a courageous, moral and passionate life and how America got to be what we are.
It aint over till its over kids.
Just saw it tonight! A fabulous finale to a series of great films. A napoleon Hill description of success as a take home message. Excellent advice for everyones children.
"You, me, nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much can you take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.” - Rocky Balboa
Thanks Rock!
I loved this movie. Mr. Stallone is a genius and a super man. I have been a fan since First Blood. Now, even a bigger Rocky fan. Mr. Stallone is awesome and a great actor. Rocky Balboa made me tear up a little.
We stood and cheered.
I took my 8 year old son to see the film..He loved it I loved it..We went out and bought all the Rocky DVDs and we've been watching them in order..Thanks for making the film..You brought back wonderful memories of my childhood and have allowed me to share them with my son..Truly a blessing..God Bless!
After seeing this movie,I feel I'm alive again!No kidding!
Nowadays,people who surround me all lose their passion on what they wanted to do when they were young,And make me who's still chasing my dreams as a fool!I don't agree with that!Even though they make more money then me for now,So what!?Do they really know what their lives really are!?I want to be a violinest, even I start working it from 27 years old, I won't give up and I will keep moving Forward!!I'll take every hit,and keep moving forward!And Win my goal at last!
hallo Sly you are a wonderful aktur, the best one thet has ever. I am going to see the last Rocky movei on my birsthay, 17 january. you are an inspiration to the hole world. I rimember wen I heard that you were going to make the last Rocky movei, I was so eksidet that I gott thires in my eyes.
I wil allways rimember you. =)
From Benny
Alive again they say, superb, energizes hope in many. Rocky always gave me tears and chills of absolution, faith in what and who I am and where I was going. My life is so much of what his charcter portrays. I have "...mingled with the rich and am a product of the poor-in cash flow and nothing more..." Rocky was never a jerk, was righteous and only wanted to find his place, and earned everything he attained. He did the right thing, at the right times, for the right reasons. he didn't back stab anyone, didn't sabotage anyone's career even though his path was fraught with it. Rocky was alone, there was never any reference to parents that I can recall. Mickey loved him dearly-and he loved Mickey, because Mickey went the distance with him, no matter how they argued. That is depth, that is character and that is the dream and hope of the righteous. Whenever I feel down or aloof from those who attain unearned gain from tactical deceptions, I know in the end I will be the one standing. People like Tommy Gun always fall on their own sword. Here is to sons of italian immigrants; here is to dreams, hopes and the underdog who will never compromise his integrity, true love and belief in those sones of the Adrians of this world, and the Angel kissed, blessed Mickeys. Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.
Maybe one of the best Rocky movies I've ever seen. Gritty, great! Life lessons that hit you square in the face. As a singer/songwriter I love the rawness of the emotion. Thank you Mr. Stallone!
You are an inspiration source for all of us...thanks Sly...
AWESOME SHOW! Im itching to get the quote about how hard you get hit....can anyone give to me???
It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
...how much you can take... and keep moving... forward
What a perfect ending, Sly did another great one.
It was a perfect ending, Sly did another great one, I cried through the entire movie.
hi i thaught that the film was great, you sould leave it at thet though you should make one more and leat rockys son become a boxer like his dad and carry it on from there
this film was awsome i loved every single bit of it, but it shouldn't end there because the movies are so good there should be anothere where Rockys son becomes a boxer just like his dad.
For me as for many people ; Rocky means that every thing is possible no matter how hard the road seem to be ... there always a reason to fight for in our life ; we should face this life just like Rocky did.
Thanks for this great movie !!!
and for show us this way of life
You are the best.We love you Rock.We love you..we love forever
I have always love Sly Stallone and his Movies! He was my first inspiration to start lifting weights and walking tall! Yep! Sly stallone, you helped me! Thank you!
Sly! You are the best!!!
I am hungarian. I love you and your films. THANKS!!!!! Good luck! :)
A very powerful film...I loved it!
One stupid question, though. Did Rocky get rich from fighting Mason Dixon?
I assumed the clothing at the end was an indication that he did have more money, but Mr. Stallone didn't mention that reason in the DVD commentary.
Dear Mr. Stallone,
I have to say I was afraid this movie was going to be bad when I first saw the trailers. I had nothing to fear, it was great.
Watching this movie was very inspirational for me. I grew up in a household where we all were brought to see every Rocky movie as soon as it was released. I felt so acknowledged when the sportscaster said, "I can't help it, I grew up with this guy. I am a such a fan." He was saying my thoughts exactly.
Every moment the Rock was emotional, really moved me. Your messages rang true.
I loved that he didn't have to "win" to be a winner.
At the end when he was waving goodbye, I really truely felt like he was waving goodbye to me, and only me. I know how that sounds, but I have to say thank you. I really appreciated this movie.
M from Chicago, IL
great man....great commitment and some great movies..be it rocky1 or the latest rocky balboa
Inspiring people is a virtue. Romancing people is a talent. Rocky is a miracle.
If in any case Sly see this page:
people from Greece loves you! come visit us!
HI Sly , i jast want to say thanks for all this years because you and rocky is a part of my life , i am always emotioned all the times that hear your film theme and watch your movies . the last rochy Balboa has been great e when to the end you syu thank you was like you was talking to me . thank you and one day i would like to say thank you on live . Gaetano
"It ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward"- sly.
Desde que vi la peli 6, estoy enganchada a ti Sly, ya mayor y madre mia, estas en una forma física estupenda, te comería entero... despacito...cerraría los ojos y.. um a disfrutar!!
quien pudiera verte en persona!!!
no entiendo nada
Yesterday I watched Rocky I - Rocky Balboa. I had forgotten how inspiring, motivating, spiritual, passionate, caring, and loving Rocky was.
To see the love that Rocky and Adrian shared, only for him to lose her in the last film; you felt the same pain as he did.
I teared up when I saw Rocky feed 'cuff and link', the turtles he bought from the pet store that Adrian worked at in Rocky I. How Rocky made sure Spider had a place to eat and felt welcome. How he took care of Little Marie and Steps. Even with everyone and everything he lost, Rocky never lost his heart.
Thank you, Sly! For giving us a movie that can inspire and teach us what it's like to be good and kind to each other.
Much love and blessings,
Tina from MI
Well well well. i have finally found people who love rocky just as much as me! i love these films sooo much and im only 15!! everyone teases me because there old films but i dont care! i agree with someone that has already posted about rocky and adrians love. its almost perfect in a sense of purity and make beleive !? for me these are the most famous lovers (even before romeo and juliet!) . Rocky is such a kind character, from the first film we see this because he doesnt break that guys thumbs! even when he only has Paulie and Spider in the last one he wants them to be helped and have the best. When he goes to help Steps and he calls the dog 'Punchy' he takes it as a joke and then the boy instantly see's him as something different as the man thats trying to chat up his mother. These films are the greatest! i love them SO MUCH
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