"Rock On"
As we get ready to enter a new year, I just wanted to thank all of the SYLVESTER STALLONE / ROCKY fans [especially the SZoners, and you know who you are!] for the support that they’ve shown me since I took over the Rocky Balboa Blog. I also want to thank Sly, Frank, Sage, Kevin, Celeste, Amy, and Sandro for believing that a fan could get the job done and then helping him to do it.
Finally, I want to thank John Beatty at Big Shot Graphics for his invaluable assistance in making sure everything worked [and looked great]!

Sly gave us a great movie, let’s return the favor. Continue to support “Rocky Balboa” [see it again and take your family and friends – heck take your enemies!]. Don’t forget that Frank’s “Take You Back” is available on I-Tunes!
May the new year bring you everything that you’ve wished for and even a little bit more!
–Craig Zablo
Photo by: John Bramley
Finally, I want to thank John Beatty at Big Shot Graphics for his invaluable assistance in making sure everything worked [and looked great]!

Sly gave us a great movie, let’s return the favor. Continue to support “Rocky Balboa” [see it again and take your family and friends – heck take your enemies!]. Don’t forget that Frank’s “Take You Back” is available on I-Tunes!
May the new year bring you everything that you’ve wished for and even a little bit more!
–Craig Zablo
Photo by: John Bramley
i agree, beyond greatness of a movie!
_Big J
Holy *#$@. I just got back from the movie and I smell an Oscar. If the liberal drabs in H-Wood have any guts or any true allegiance to their art, they will laud this movie and bow down to Sly's genius. I was inspired and the imagery, dialogue and emotion of this movie will lift me up for many years to come.
Thanks for running a great blog Craig. Also thank you Sly and everyone involved for making such a fantastic, inspiring film. God bless you all.
-Zachary Buckler
I've always loved the Rocky series, being an underdog martial artist from a small town. I'd love to thank Sly for inspiring us to keep on moving. I abs-solutely! loved the new movie! I might even go watch it again as you suggest :)
i'm going to see it in theater for sure when its in my area. :P that won't be for another couple weeks.
and i live in canada, grr!
i have seen the movie though, i could not wait :P
You've done a superb job and made it worthwhile for all of us. You can tell through this process and the film viewing who all of the diehard fans are who have followed the story through. You have made it so much more fun and exciting. Thanks for all of YOUR hard work...even though you are passing the credit on to others. Without your work on this blog, the anticipation wouldn't have been nearly as exciting. Thanks really isn't enough, but sometimes it is the best we can do. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
First Comment!
Rocky is one of the best characters of the XX century. I´m glad to see this last film. A great film.
Thanks for all.
Craig, you did a great job providing all the information for us for this movie, thank you very much, Rocky Balboa was worth the wait and Sly, this was the perfect ending for an iconic character, I loved the movie and it went off on a great note. Now it's time for Rocky to ride off in the sunset and we can cherish all the memories Rocky Balboa provided for us, thank you and God Bless.
Great job with this blog. We Rocky fans appreciated it. The Aintitcool.com give and take was terrific also.
Welcome to the internet, Sly! Criag, hope you get involved in a blog for Sly's next effort.
Never underestimate Craig (or Rambo!)
i guess my coment did not get through the first two times i wrote something really touching but kinda of forgot but i just wanted to say how much i really enjoyed the movie oh do i wish my first blog would have made it through but any way all rockies are excellent but rocky 6 reached the core of my heart and really shows you what life is all about and that you may lose loved ones in your life but you continue to stand as much as it may hurt. life will slap you in your face but your heart takes over and you continue to somehow still be standing strong ilove you sly and all of the rockies rock best actor of the year is sly and best picture of the year is Rocky Balboa. never let life keep you from standing fight for three things for love glory and self- respect just like rocky did
who does not love rocky? there are no words to describe how the movie touched my heart. the two scenes i enjoyed the most were when rocky was reliving his past at the ice rink it really touched my heart, and the second scene was when he was telling his son how life will rip you to shreads but how you must contiune to stand no matter what happens in life and what you may lose such as loved ones you keep on standing. never lose sight of what you are fighting for whether you win or lose the final round it does not matter because you survived throughout the whole fight and i guess that was what rocky balboa was about when he did not win it was all about how he kept on going and never gave up. also rocky is the greatest under dog story of all time. rocky balboa is a must see movie. it is one you will remeber forever trust me. you will love it. Sly you did an beyond excellent job in all of the rockies. be strong and live life to its fullest but watch out for those twists and turns that may lead you down a wrong path. never give up in the final round.
Congratilations Mr.stallone, i´m from Portugal and can´t wait to see the movie...
I saw this movie for the second time today. its greatness
sly this movie was the bomb.com
i think the character really came full circle..and when you leave the theater..and you feel like you wanna go do something great and you wanna just better yourself..or really u just leave jacked up and ready to take on the world..like i did..you know you saw a great movie...thanks for the opportunity to see it my first and last time on the big screen as well..by the way..wut about rambo 4?!
Craig, thank you for all of your hard work and making this a special time for us Sly/ROCKY fans:) You're work on this blog has been nothing short of spectacular! The movie was just pure GOLD! It is now my favorite in the entire series! Craig, if you can, PLEASE thank Sly for me and tell him that Aron Scott sends him his best wishes! it would mean the world to me:) Happy New Year Craig, make it a good one brother:), I hope you'll put together a RAMBO blog soon:) peace and god bless - Aron Scott
I saw it last night. I was in tears. it was that great. I never see a movie twice in a theater, this one I will.
Thanks Sly
I just got back from seeing this movie for the second time, and it was even better the second time around for me!! I have a dog that was going to be euthanized because he was misunderstood. My wife and I fought to get him out of the shelter and we did. We started training him as a Frisbee dog, and less than two years later he placed 4th in the AWI World Championships and the UFO World Finals and was crowned the Cynosport Flying Disc World Champion! Plus he's a Pit Bull - An incredible real life underdog story. Being a Rocky fan, we made a training montage Rocky style before the movie came out with Wallace in a hooded sweathshirt and all, so we went nuts when we first saw Rocky running with Punchy in his shirt. Not sure if it's appropriate to post the link here, so I won't, but if you go to You Tube and search Wallace the Pit Bull, you will find it. Thanks Sly for making such a great movie, an amazing ending to the series, and for keeping the hopes of the underdogs like Wallace out there alive and flourishing. Definitely a must see movie!!
Roo and Wallace
What can I say but "Oh my God".
Thanks, Sly, for a truly GREAT movie, an inspriation to all of us middle agers who grew up with Rocky and find ourselves wondering what's next.
I laughed, I cried, I stood up and applauded.
Thank you.
It's really not over until it's over, is it?
All I can say is Oh My God.
What an awesome, inspiring movie.
I cried, I laughed, I stood up and applauded.
Thanks, Sly, for remindind all of us who grew up with Rocky and face our inevitable that it's truly not over until it's over.
The team of blog is very good. The film is incredible. Rocky is legend. Edmundo, a super fan of Brazil!
Took less than 2 weeks. How awesome is that? I read it cost only $24 million to produce. Way to go Rocky and Rocky fans!!! Push it to $60 or $70 million!
It ain't how hard you hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!
"Your one crazy old man" "you'll get there one day"
qoute of the movie :)
What happens in the end. My 4 year old son is dying to know and it isnt out in england for a while.
Great Movie!! I am going to see it for a 3rd time!! We Love you Sly, thanks for bringing the American Legend back for one more round. You inspire us all. Life long, Stallone Fan~
Hello, Sylvester Stallone's fans! How are you? I hope you're well.
My nickname is Eddy Nyce, I'm from Brazil, South America.
A thousand pardons, I'm late very much but, I wanna telling you, your family and your friends "HAPPY NEW YEAR!", MORE HAPPINES, MORE HEALTH.
While (I know, is incorrect, sorry please) I'm waiting for Sylvester Stallone new movie here down. So I'm reading something of Edgar Allan Poe. The tales are ghostly, darksome, mystery, etc.
I like phrase (I will try put into English)" ... This is the life, without doubt, is the life that I captured in the painting".
The painting (or screen) are dangerous, but we loved.
I gotta go.
I'm sorry my incorrect English.
Thank you very much!
Hugs and kisses for you! Happy 2007!
Good bye!
Eddy Nice
I'm so glad Stallone delivered the goods with this one. It's the closest he's come to recapturing the greatness of the first and second movie. Proud of you Rock.
And thank you Craig!
-Sgt Mendez
i'm seriously losin patience here, i'm an admirer and i in India where every kid knows ur name and is waitin 4 da movie ever since the release and it really doesn't help when u have the pirated editions doin its rounds. plz help me and a billion others by bringin da movie to India, soon.
Craig, you've done so much for us and I really appreciate it but can you please tell us how much money the movie has grossed, I seriously hope it grossed over a 100 million, maybe more, this is a true classic and it deserves the creditibility that Rocky Balboa gave to all of us.
I just saw the movie and I really liked it. I thought it was back to the original in many ways which I appreciated. It was sensitive and realistic but it did not try too hard to be something spectacular which was also a welcome change from what most movies seem to be about these days. Just back to the raw, well-written, well-acted, real people scenes which touched me a lot like in the original Rocky. No sequel will ever be as good as the original Rocky was, in my opinion, but this Rocky was quite a bit different than the other sequels, and can stand on its own as a good film and a fitting final tribute to a hero.
What a movie! I was a kid in the Philly area when the 1st one came out and I never miss a chance to see the 1st one. While I liked that one orginally because it highlighted my home, I sooned learned the real reason for liking it, the classic underdog story. Balboa has so much against him, but he knew what he wanted, faced the fear and won it with heart and guts. In the later movies, I think the character got away from this. But not with this one. You guys went right back to what Rocky really was, that underdog, full of heart, honor and guts, who kept getting back up. Yes, there are some of us who still believe in that.
This movie proves that our boy, Rock, did not turn into "just another bum from the neighborhood".
I hope that you get an Oscar for this one.
I am a student of the university in Taiwan, and I'm 20 right now.
I think that you may not come to Taiwan for this movie.Perhaps I have no chance to see face to face, and ask for a signature, and shake hands,....
As a matter of fact, I feel a little depressed for that.
Rocky, My Favorite movie.
Thank you for this, sly.
cant wait... from Bruno Adeliade SA
movie was sick.
thanks sly.
awesome job.
Mr. Stallone,
Like many others, I have been a fan of Rocky ever sence the first one came out back in the 70's. I think I was 16 then, Now I'm 46. You inspired me to get into body building as did Arnold S. and others. As I got older, I sustained injuries like yourself that slowed me down. I've broke my back twice, had a knee injury, shoulder and double hernia operations, all which have slowed me way down. However, after seeing "Rocky Balboa", I have a new determination all over again to regain myself image and fight to be successful. Your movie was so moving to me and I could certainly relate to so much of it. Thank you for such a great performance, My New Years Res is to get back into the best shape of my life, It's going to be a challenge but it's also going to be alot of fun. One more thing...It takes a lot of Faith to mention "Jesus Christ" in the one scene where you're praying before entering the ring...you never see that anymore in movies and I'm so glad you included that part, it only reinforces the whole movie so much more in my personal view. Keep up the good work! Thanks again, A fellow Italian.
We just saw this and it is a superb film. Great movie, Sly! Thanks so much for giving us a fine movie without all sorts of junk in it that everyone really can enjoy. I'll definitely be highly recommending it to others and we can't wait for the DVD.
This movie certainly deserves an Academy nod or two - not that they are adept at recognizing great movies anymore, but it would be nice.
Beautifully filmed, terrific and inspiring script, fabulous acting from the entire cast. It was real. This easily measures up to the first 'Rocky', and is probably one of the better films to hit the big screen in the past five or six years. I had to hold back a cheer several times during this film.
Again, thanks so much for a fantastic movie. This is what is supposed to be on the silver screen - indeed, it's what movies were meant to be.
You guys in the US are so lucky it's already been released. They advertised the released dates here as Jan 4 so I planned my whole week around it. I was going to buy La Premiere tickets (like Gold Class), I even took the day off work!
Then when 4 Jan came around I couldn't find a ticket anyway - or any advertising for the movie.
Turns out they decided to change the release date to 1 Feb. Got to wait some more!!!
Thank you, Sly, for this whole awesome story of Rocky Balboa! I remember watching Rocky as a child with my dad and enjoying them, but now, as an adult, I appreciate them as well as enjoy them. They teach so much about life. As a child, they were exciting but as an adult, they touch my heart and soul. Rocky IV and V was on tv the other night and my son and I sat and watched them together. He was so pumped and thrilled with excitement and my heart just melted as we bonded and as I remembered back to my childhood. The next day we had to go buy the movies and then later went to see the new "Rocky Balboa". It was awesome and amazing. Each movie has show me something about life and love. Never giving up. You have given us all a gift thru Rocky and I don't believe there would ever have been anyone better to play the part of Rocky then you. You show the true meaning of love and trust, how a woman should be treated and how she should treat her man and about being a family. Yet, somehow in there you have the excitement and toughness to hold everyones attention. Genious! I am and always will be a huge Rocky fan and now, so is my son...we all are. I agree that one of my favorite scenes is when Rocky is telling his son to stop blaiming everyone else...be who he is!!! THis really touched me as it is something I needed to hear based on a lifetime of something I have had to deal with...so, Thank You!!! God Bless You!!!
The releasing date in Brazil has changed to FEBRUARY, 9!!!
SLZ - Brazil
Thank you for this wonderful movie...you`r massage will be rememberd throughout the ages!
thank you again for this sly
"You've come full cirlce"
god bless you
Rocky es la inspiracion para mucha gente que se puede sentir derrotada por la vida.
Con cada golpe que le daban se volvia a levantar y seguia luchando hasta conseguir su sueño.
Tanto Rocky como personaje como Sylvester Stallone como hombre enseña que si quieres algo en la vida por muchos golpes que te de has de volver a levantarte y seguir luchando hasta conseguirlo.
Yo, por mi parte, creo eso de ellos, del personaje y del hombre que lo interpreta.
Wow! Loud appluse!!! I love the final Rocky. It's worth waiting for. It makes me miss Adrian though. But Rocky movies are major tearjerker. I grew up with these movies and the music keeps playing on my head... lol
all together, I love the drama. The love of Rocky to his family. I mean he's been an ultimate tale of a survivor on the boxing bussiness...
Sly Stallone! You're the man. It's his really his style in directing though... and I like the shiftings of scenes on the fighting scenes over the ring. And of course the
Yup! Thumbs Up for this movie!
i cant wait - it doesnt open in the UK until the 19th January.... im a die hard - so will go see it numerous times...... YEEEEHHHAAAA!!!!!!!
ps - great site!!!
To Sly the greatest Action hero of all time. I am a huge fan from the UK, and I am really looking forward to seeing Rocky Balboa when it is released here next week.
I would just like to say that you are a legend, a great actor, writer and director. I and many of your fans respect you for your great achievements in cinema history.
I am going to see the movie many times at the cinema. I am really looking forward to seeing it and I am sure it will be great.
Rambo 4 I am sure will be excellent as well. Keep action movies alive.
Man, it opens only in March 2007 in Singapore. I've been waiting for a Rocky Movie like ages. Been watching every single movie since the first one came out.
I'm even borrowing my friend's Rocky'movie collection which he bought from the States, so that I can watch those like a countdown to the opening in Singapore! Go Rocky!! The greasly 200 pound 'I'talion Tank! This is so exciting! Once again, the underdog story prevails!
Dear Craig
do you have a Rambo 4 site too?
If not, you should do.
Great Job and Happy New Year
The movie was excellent and exemplified what authentic manhood truly is. The kind of manhood that is being suffocated out of men and boys in today’s world. Thanks Sly for standing tall and standing strong!
hallo Sly you are a wonderful aktur, the best one thet has ever. I am going to see the last Rocky movei on my birsthay, 17 january. you are an inspiration to the hole world. I rimember wen I heard that you were going to make the last Rocky movei, I was so eksidet that I gott thires in my eyes.
I wil allways rimember you. =)
From Benny
hallo Sly you are a wonderful aktur, the best one thet has ever. I am going to see the last Rocky movei on my birsthay, 17 january. you are an inspiration to the hole world. I rimember wen I heard that you were going to make the last Rocky movei, I was so eksidet that I gott thires in my eyes.
I wil allways rimember you. =)
From Benny
Welcome to Rockyland!
Realy very good work... :)
Tak co kluci, taky se Vám to tak líbí?
Myslím, že to je opravdu důstojné rozloučení s jednou legendou ...
Pavel Janda aka
I'm italian......great rocky....welcome to Italy.......this movie is wonderful!!!
roco keep moving forword
Rocky tengo 10 años de edad, he visto todas tus peliculas , pienso que son grandiosas y te he buscado en internet como tu ni te lo imaginas hasta tus fotos las tengo todas. Fue mi papa quien me inspiro ha ver tus peliculas, mi mama le encantan las peliculas de rambo y todas para mi son especiales en todo sentido (cuidate, una fans venezolana llamada claudia, espero que puedas en una oportunidad darme un autografo t.q.m.)
After all these years and rumors the movie the legend the hero is finally come. Hi from Italy...20 hours to the film...I feel electric.
Just a story about the impact of the Rocky Legacy on everybody, even the youngest.
Two Mounths ago i had a bad day so i decided to go to the park near my house to hsve a run and to play some soccer, just to relax me.
There i found a kid (eleven year old) and named Atos. After a bad shot the ball goes far from me e near to him and so we start playing toghether (isn't soccer best sport to make the people know each other?). Then we started to talk each other; he asked me what i thought about Matrix and i simply answered him that my generation was grown with some other kinda of movies...When he asked which kind of movies i was talking about i just said, obviously, Rocky! Whe the 11 years old kid said to me that he loves everyone of the five movies too and that those films captured him and gave some kinda of a must-follow example for his future life i just realised the force of this legacy, this legend, this myth...and most importantly i understand that Rocky and all his feelings don't die with our generation but continue again again and again.
I love you SLY. I love you ROCKY.
There won't be nothing more true and deepest than you!
I guess it's pretty relatable for so many of us in life. So many of us are just average ordinary human beings on the outside, but deep in our hearts, so many of us are fighters, or warriors, waititng for the opportunity to become the person that we ought to become. And to give to our future generation that legacy.
I smell many underdogs everywhere I go, and nearly almost everyone I met wants to become somebody.
2007 will be the best year yet! It'll be the year that I'll celebrate Rocky's victory! It'll be the year when an underdog once again stuns the world with such an awesome movie.
With so many movies that Sly has done in his career, this is the most successful movie series by far. How many people out that will agree with that!
Why, because so many people can relate with it easily. It's an easy movie to watch and motivational as well!
I just can say... That Rocky was never in the past and hios return is a moment to remember. From the 80´s the past come to told us that Life is valuable and should never be forgetable.
Thank you Mr. Stallone I do really admire you!!
Thanks, Sly, for a truly GREAT movie, an inspriation to all of us middle agers who grew up with Poli and find ourselves wondering what's next.
Hello, Sylvester Stallone's fans! How are you? I hope everything fine to you.
My nickname is Eddy Nice, I'm from Brazil-South America. Please, I'm so sorry my bad English again.
"Traduttore, traditore", for me its was very hard, but, inch-by-inch, I got to read "Stallone's epic AICN Q&A", I loved so much. I won a wonderful gift. Thank you very much.Somebody up there likes me.
Mr. Sylvester Stallone is smarter, brilliant, critic, with strong, funny and sweet words. This is obvious, he is simple Sylvester Stallone. I love the interwieus his.
"Premium Swiss", "The metaphor and the concept of life", "Mr. Frank Stallone", "The incredibles Mr. T's Knickknaks", "Butkus's chauffer", "Kurt Russel's soap" I loved all. He hasn't lost yet his sense of humor with the myths, the lends, devotions of the fans. He is a "thief of the heart"! (Forgive me the inelegance word)
Before I go, I loved the Rome and Mexico photos in Stallonezone and I have a question (with all due respect, please): Where's The Tirannosaurus Sex Specis Park?
I don't know you are underestand me.I'm sorry my bad English
Thank you very much!
Hugs and kisses big size
Good bye!
Eddy Nice
I can't remember the last film I watched that left me with such a feel-good sensation, but Rocky Balboa absolutely hits the spot. My respect to Mr. Stallone, everyone involved, Craig and this Blog, the main website - EVERYTHING.
I'm Matteo, the RB Italian FC creator, can you see on the homepage (http://www.rocky.cjb.net) me and Sly... the best!!
Thanks Sly! You are the best in my life!
from italy.. ROCKY BALBOA.. 4 ever the best!
Thank You....I needed it....I was so tired of the crap in theatres....just saw the movie....and all I can say is thank you Sly...
We in RUSSIA wait it too wuth Great Inspirion!!!!
Its begin to show only from 25 January 2007 in Moscow! So sad, so hard to wait this GREAT SAGA!
But we try to do it!
Great Legendm great Film.
Wait RAMBO IV too!
Greatings to Craig! Thanks you for resources of SLY!
Make Rambo IV Blog please TOO!
Dont Forget!
From Russia with Love,
Russian Fan of Sly from 1989 year.
This movie is greatest !!!!!!!!!
Rocky Balboa est vraiment un personnage excellement bien construit.
Hello from Barcelona (Spain). The film is impressive. Thank you very much Stallone to leave Rocky so well.
yo do u know talia shire dyedin real life not the movie god bless her
I'm a guy from Central Italy. I went yesterday night with my girlfriend to see the movie. Really cool ! By the way if you want to share some opinions about the Rocky Saga just e-mail me at the following address : uomo-gatto@email.it
i think that rocky(1,2,3,4,5,6) is the best movie I heve ever seen, and, sylvester stallone is so cute... ok, he has 60 years, but... he is my best actor... too bad he doesent know for croatia... I live there... it´s near italy...
this blog is great... i love ya all... kiss... one big kiss to sylvester stallone...
ps. sorry for my grammar, I´m not very good at english... :-*
hello... i love this movie...
i love all movies with sylvester stallone... but rocky(1,2,3,4,5,6)is the best... sylvester is my best actor... too bed he doesent know for croatia... i live there... its near italy... sylvester is soooooooo cute... well, he´s 60, but...
ok, i love ya all... kiss... and one biiig kiss to sylvester...
you can visit my blog: ivy95.blog.hr
love ya all,
Rocky! eres el mejor, te adoro! Éste es el verdadero final! el mejor! la bestia que llevabas dentro ha salido y es inmejorable! Gracias por darnos tanto de ti, durante 30 años, he crecido contigo y necesitaba verte otra vez, Rocky no es sólo una pelea de box! Rocky es mucho más que eso! Rocky son enseñanzas, es la vida, es el amor, es la fuerza, es todo!
Gracias Rocky!!! Te amamos!
Rocky! you are the best one, I adore to you! This one is the true end! the best one! the beast that you took inside has left and is superb! Thanks to give us of you as much, during 30 years, I have grown with you and needed see you again, Rocky is not only one fight of box! Rocky is much more that that! Rocky is lessons, is the life, is the love, is the force, is everything! Gracias Rocky! We loved to you!
hello rocky we are from saudi arabia thank you for this movie
yoooooooo rockooooo
goooooo for it
why you didnt name it rocky 6
I think this is a grand conclussion for a grand character who show us that life ain´t easy and we have to fight always.
Goodbye Rocky, you´ll always live in our memory.
Form Paris (France)
I'm very happy to see you Rocky !
KaiteMeechan From Scotland I am sooo Glad that there is a new rocky out i cant get enuff of it ! and i hop there is more out in the future ! Much Love KatieMeechan-x
I am in Iraq at Kirkuk Aiir Base now, for the last 1o months; but when I get home in late March; your movie will be the first I see. Thanks Sly.
SSG Mark E. Foster - Thanks!
FOB Warrior
APO AE 09338
Ya vi la pelicula... Me encanto... buenisima... creo que despues de la 1, viene esta.
Felicidades a Stallone...
Don Morsa.
I love Rocky Balboa.
I watch all series.
I learned love and courage from you.
Thank you!!
Thanks Rocky, again,i saw RockyIV when i had 10years, now i saw Rocky Balboa for 4 times and tomorrow i will see again with another my friend.
Thanks for all,
Angel777 from Italy.
Ciao! =)
P.s.I will see Snake's Eyes .. ;)
best movie ever...that simple
Best movie ever...plain and simple
YO ARIAN!!!!! If you see the Geico commercial, Talia Shire ( playing the theripist) is on it, see looks great.
io sono dell' idea che è un film magnifico, tutto cuore e coraggio e mi piace perchè è semplice come il primo...emoziona e carica,e questa volta è anche molto piu' sentimantale: in sostanza W ROCKY BALBOA!!!!!
hav been a rocky fan since i was a kid..i must say..ROCKY BALBOA is an amazing movie which has really touched my heart.the character of rocky wil surely inspire many.not only boxers,but every person in their respective fields..IT AINT OVER 'TIL ITS OVER!!!!
Thank Silvester, Thank for all, thank for your movie thank, thank, thank.
Beautifull Film..a saw 5 times...:D ..
for now...with different friends.. =)
he is again here with us and next year also he will be , he is great and wounderful actor offcourse,i wish you all de best rock,
Just watched movie - fantastic! legend thats wot sly is!
anyone know wot song mason dixon walks in to the ring to?
Travelled from Australia to the USA on business last week. First thing I did when I arrived was go to see the movie. Excellent , brilliant. Ready to line up again in OZ and everyone I know will be coming along one way or another ;-).
We dont get it till 22 February, Can you believe it? Why such a long wait? I hope Sly comes down for the premiere in Sydney . There are heaps of fans here as well you know!
A great movie from a great man and a respectful completion to the Rocky legend. The circle is complete. And isn't it great to see it kicking a*** at the box office and the rest of the world has only just started.
Sly, thank you for bring back the magic! from Sunil Gowda Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
I finally watched movie and I loved it,however, I will miss the franchise.
Finally, I have seen the movie and I loved it.But I will miss the franchise;)
This is the perfect ending. Amazing movie.
que du bonheur !!!!!!!!!!!!
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
At the end of the new film with the crowd chanting "Rocky" and the fighter soaking up the applause I felt the same lump in my throat as the final scene of "Revenge of the Sith". Both Stallone and Lucas have managed to end their most famous creations celluloid lives with a memorable exit and I thank them both. Balboa deserved better than Rocky V and he got it! Brilliant!!!
Excellent film,a great end for an all time Legend.
Thanks Sylvester.
The movie was great!
Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!
Greetings from Italy.
I've just watched the movie on theatre yesterday evening and I was stunned.
I'd like to thank Sly for this movie.
It really says "The End" to a series that I love so much.
I'll always miss Rocky.
This is his last, great, unforgetable hit of the tiger!
Take care, Sly and thanks!
Can anyone help me?, what's the title of the song that's in the rocky balboa movie page?, P Daddy use a sample of it in the song "Victory" of the puff daddy and the family album.
By the way Rocky is a great story and this movie, the last one, it's great too!!
I saw Rocky Balboa today in Paris, France.
I am a impassioned, a real fan, because the character of Sly affect me particularly.
I can't explain it.
I just know that Rocky reassures me, it's a human character, that one sees evolving during 30 years in a obsessing dramatic films.
I am sad to not meet Sly in Paris. I hope one day, I would be likely to see Sly and to tighten his hand, and say to him : "thank you".
Thanks, Sly.
You were an icon, now, you are a legend.
going the distance
So well said "Retrosurfer" (January 19th)... and "Mandy"(January 7th)
This is my first attempt to "blog" --
Sylvester's new movie is so wonderful, I just have to jump in!
Sly? The movie is PERFECT! Thank you.
Thank you "Rocky" fans for all the faith behind Sylvester in helping him keep "Rocky" going. I am a new fan...though I loved the 1976 original. Getting married and having four children busied me till now. I have now seen all five "Rocky's" and "Rocky Balboa"...that's why I am here.
Hi.. I'm Kiara from Italy... I saw Rocky Balboa Yesterday evening... And I think it's a great film... Do you understand italian? If you want you can read my blog on Leonardo.it (moonrey.leonardo.it/blog)... I love Rocky and I'll buy soon all his films... thanks at all Craig...
Soon... by Moonrey (Chiara Rey)
I HATE YOU STALLONE!, well not really.. but friggin hell... WHY DO WE IN AUSTRALIA HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE 22ND OF FEBRUARY TO SEE ROCKY BALBOA...dont you think this is unfair, and i mean... DO U WANT THIS MOVIE TO BE PIRATED!? COMMON..more than 2 months is unfair! we all have to wait so long we go crazy... this bloody better not be the case for rambo 4.. Dave (one of many unfortunate Aussies)& a life fan :D
Devant un tableau de francis becon, je suis sorti faire l'amour avec un autre homme qui m'a dis "kiss me Rocky"
I wish you success and glory.
What a great movie! I think the world appreciates what an inspiring movie Rocky Balboa is. Stallone is a really good actor, and this performance renews his membership back in the A-list of actors who can really carry a picture.
I've seen this movie twice, will probably see it once more before the last "big screen" presentation of Rocky Balboa is done. Nothing like the big screen, especially for this movie!
Yo! Sly! It was a knockout!
Hello!I enjoyed looking around Your website, colors,
layouts are great, keep up a good work!With the best regards!
Hey. hi Stallone...
I have few words to tell you.....
but I have to say you that a personality as yours it is original...... I love you.....
you have accompanied far me from with your films..... until there to dream.....
to feel your songs of the boxe when I trained me, looking you in the screen......
bhee... this last legendary film, reinstates me what in the life it is necessary to face.......
"for how much you are strong the life it is hard..... and it won't put a lot us to knee bend..... the main point is to have trust in him same and to never release! Don't go to the carpet! "
And for this self I thank you Silvester Stallone.......
my name is Roby....
hey I hope that the translator has translated well, because I don't know so much good the English..... hi my friend
its a very good movie you never seen
thanks sly
go for rambo 4 pls
Hello Mr Stallone
I ain't sure if I'm your biggest fan. Can't steal the thunder away from the rest of the world :-).
I began watching Rocky during 1998-99 and have been a fan ever since. It trully inspires in every way in life. A dialogue from Rocky II where Mickey says to Rocky - "to win a 45 minute fight, you have to practice for 45,000 mins., 45,000 mins."...trully inspiring and applies to everyday life. This is just one of the things about all the Rocky movies. I listen to Rocky IV songs on my car audio system atleast once a week.
I'd watch this movie tomorrow evening (Feb 03, 2007) and this movie released in India on Feb 02, 2007.
May God bless you and you keep inspiring people in life. I will remain a die-hard fan of Rocky and not to forget the man behind it, Sylvester Stallone.
Sridhar Balakrishna
Bangalore, India
rocky is very good
Parabéns Sylvester Stallone!!! "Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)" está sensacional, memorável! Quando o vi, lembrei-me de "Rocky, um lutador". "Rocky Balboa" resgatou a essência do primeiro filme. Grande abraço Sylvester! Que o Senhor Jesus Cristo te abençoe! Busque a Deus, ele não se esqueceu de você.
Hey this is an excellent blog for Rocky fans.
Loved coming here.
HY my name is Josipa Simic and I am crazy about rocky and sly!!!!It all hepend last summer!!!On a TV they put rhe movie!!!1,2,3,4,5!!!End when it jout started I was....He had my at firs "YO"!!!!So pleas if you can and if you ever read this comment come to my blog and leavea comment to!!OK and I am from Croatia And that is the problem I will never meet him!!!!My blog http://slyzone.blog.hr bye and pleas visit my!!!!!Bye bye!!!
The fight scene in Rocky Balboa was the best of all the Rockys. The fury of Rocky as the rounds went on was simply awesome. There is no way anybody could have expected such a thrilling boxing match. Cindarella Man was a great story about Jim Braddock, and Russell Crowe was a great actor in that movie, but the boxing match in Rocky Balboa was just awesome.
What a way to end a series!
You have a really nice blog
nobody can make it like sly
sweet blog
I love this film. Rocky forever!(BRASIL!)
I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and i have just loved this film. Thanks a lot, Sly! Rocky is the greatest movie of all time and his history is an inspiration for all of us! YO, YOU REALLY HAD SOMETHING ON THE BASEMENT! GREAT, SLY, THANKS AGAIN!
I've just returned from seeing the final Rocky instalment and what can I say - it was almost the best one (can't take away from the original!) - but what a fantastic way to wrap up such an inspirational journey. I've been a fan since the age of 10 - nearly 25 years have passed now - and I was glued to my seat during this film. Rocky has been such a pivotal character in my life and I loved how Sly wrapped it all up. Brilliant acting, superb storyline, I loved it! Made me cry though, now the end is here - but I couldn't have asked for a more respectful, total conclusion to this story. Thank you Sly for making this film - for those of us who have worshipped this character from the start. You deserve all the critical aclaim it is now receiving!
from saudi arabia
very good shot
nice one
rocky 6 the best movie
Hello, dear Sylvester Stallone's fans! Is everything ok? I hope you're well.
My nickname is Eddy Nice, I'm from Brazil, South America. I'm sorry my wrong English again, please.
I don't have English enough for I say about my happiness. Sylvester Stallone's movie in the theater, in my country! It's delicious!
I love "Rocky Balboa",Rocky is magic character like Romeo. I don't like of the "kiss in Las Vegas hotel", forgive me but, I'm jealousy classic fan (sorry, Can you read that?.
I like Mr. Milo Ventimiglia too, hesn't Mr. Sage Stallone - I saw his photos of the premier, he's handsome! (I say that with all due respect. The invisible of the internet is dengerously permissive).
The work's artist are living among us, they continuing to make the world a better place. That is why we'll always need of the artists. Ave Sylvester Stallone!
I gotta go.
I'm sorry my bad English and inelegance words.
From the heart, thank you very much!
Hugs and kisses to you!
Eddy Nice
very good work
thanks for
this movie
we are from saudi arabia
this movie was very good
thank you sly
its a good work
hey stallion ,this is zeeshan from india ;i have seen most of ur movies,especially rocky series. i just love it .although i havent seen ur latest rocky balboa butb i l will ,in near future. plz reply
O my god, i love, love love, love!
Thank you Sly for this movie
Nice blog
this is a beautifully written film and it's great that he has finished the movie in the same way he started the series. I never used to have much time for Stallone but having recently started watching all the Rocky movies I have to say that I am a big fan. The way he carried Rocky in all movies I have fallen in love with Rocky.
And Rocky Balboa was such an emotional rollercoaster. I have no shed tears for a film in a looong time. I will see the movie many more times and as soon as it come out DVD I am purchasing.
I have had some lows in my life but i have to thank Sly for inspiring me with your Rocky movies, especially the last installment.
Lots of respect.
I have followed all of the Rocky's all through my life..I love Syl Stallone, I love that man..What a wonderful actor and person he is.. I want to thank you for your hard work in all you do..Keep it up we love you... :)
Dear Mr. Stallone,
I'm A 23 Year Old Male That Drove My Whole Family Nuts With Your Rocky Movies And I Don't Just Mean Like Oh I'll Watch Once In A While. No More Like That I Two Complete Sets Of The Rocky Series. I Have My Family Knowing The Movie So Well That They Come In The Middle Of The Movie And Say Next Lines Of Each Character. Anyhow I Just Want To Say Thanks For Making One More Rocky. And If You Could Please Make One Sweet Collectors Series Of All The Rocky's Including Rocky Balboa. One More Thing, Which Rocky Movie Is Your Favorite?
Jay From Onaway, Michigan
This film was, good but i still think the first and 4th ones were the best!
TBH Im more of a rambo person and want to get hold of the premier tickets to go watch it!
HOW DO I DO IT? anyone know! i wanna meet him again for the 3rd time that is woo can get enuff of sly!
SO how do i get hold of tickets??
Thank You So Much For This Movie Sly! I love You, And I Always Will!
See You On The Other Side.
I listened these words somewhere else but they're so perfect to this huge man...
Just saw the movie on Direct TV last night, what a great way to end the series. There may never be a film like the original Rocky again but this was as close as you get. Truly inspiring, it makes me realize that just because you are older than you once were you can still achieve what you want with determination and hard work. Thank you Mr. Stallone for making this film!
I finally sat down and watched this movie. It brought back the feelings of love I have for the original, and it has reinforced an idea that I have had since I began to really get in to movies: Sly Stallone can write and direct a damn good movie when he wants to. Just like the original, it is basic and flat-out good. "It is what it is." That is all it needs to be, and that is all any true movie, and Rocky fan can ask for.
Heyyy.. How did Adrian die in the last Rocky?? .. Does anyone know? x
The best movie ever!!! He looks great anyway.. you're the best Sylvester!!!<3<3<3
Sono Francesco dall'Italia!!
Sei un grande Sly....Rocky Forever!!
Great movie :) Thank you for doing Rocky right. It really is a great story. A great end to a great story.
"Rock On" Rocky! As a huge fan, I gotta say, You Are The Best! I am pregnant with my first-born and just found out I'm having a son....his name is going to be: Timothy Rockwel - A.K.A. ROCKY!
Much Love,
Jodie J.
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