"Rocky Balboa" Available for Pre-Order

"Rocky Balboa" will be released on March 19, 2007. It is now available for pre-order by clicking HERE.
The dvd will feature: commentary by Sylvester Stallone; deleted scenes including an alternate ending; boxing bloopers, three featurettes ["Skill vs Will: The Making of Rocky Balbao"; "Reality in the Ring: Filming Rocky's Final Fight"; and "Virtual Champion: Creating the Computer Fight"] and more! - Craig
I hope that this movie will be GREAT!!! :) Salute from Croatia!
this was the greatest movie i have ever seen....
-Big J
I can't wait for the DVD.
Are they also gonna release a new box set with ALL 6 Rockys?
Cos if so, I'd definitely wait for that =D
I saw the movie, and now I want the DVD as well!!!!!
From Fuenlabrada (Madrid, in Spain). Until I saw Rocky Balboa, I haven´t seen any Rocky´s movies. I love it. Next day I went to buy the new DVD of Rocky I, and I enjoy a lot again. From Rocky II to Rocky V, I understood the story..., so I´m waiting anxious for this
Que bien!!! de Chile la pido no mas... muy buena, de hecho, exelente!!!
Saludos a Sly!!!
Don Morsa.
They should add the "Rocky: An American Hero" special on the ROCKY V DVD special features and it has only been aired once on TV (at the time ROCKY V is about to released in Nov, 1990). I still got it on VHS. Hopefully they will on the 6-movie DVD set (if there will be one).
why is the dvd out so soon?
I can't wait for the 6-dvd release box set. I'll be ready to shell out 70 dollars even for that!
When the first Rocky exited I was ago not been born , to the second I had a year hardly and until fifth I was too much small in order to interest to me to film of the sort!! We say that I have uncovered Rocky Balboa in the “90 with Rocky 5. And” state love from the first moment, a lightning blow. Even if (personal judgment) Stallone is not a greatest actor, is successful where many the others (also largest) have failed. It has given a spirit to the personage, has made it living, it has made it to grow and above all it has made it to love. A lot that sometimes seems nearly that “the stallone Italian” it exists indeed!!! Many say that the series of Rocky and made of “film trash” without pretensions and with discounted wefts. Well, I task instead that they are not just of “films trash”. it is true! there is always a moral one that spirit the base of all and the 6 films. But what is of therefore tremendous in this? Not creed of living in a beautiful world therefore from being able itself to allow to make less of the moral or a film with the lieto fine (enough to open a newspaper to case or to watch a tg). In all the series is told of the life of a man, of the difficulties who meets living, of the joys and the pains, of the friendship ...... sometimes betrayed. Perhaps and all this does not make part of the life of everyone of we? They are simple films is true, but that in some way they make you to arrive a message of the type .......” the life is this, and it is made of ups and downs. Sometimes highest, other too much low times! But you us six within until the neck in this life, therefore live it!! Not to change when you have the HIGHEST moment and still more important not to let go when of it you will have one too much low, not to never let go .....! “This for me is an optimal message and the merit of Stallone and these films is just that one of being resolutions to transmit it and to make it to arrive to the spectators. The only thing that still I would want to say is that they would want more film to us than this kind, the less violence, the less intolerance, the less homicides of every kind, less caossssss. Perhaps the new generations would grow in an other way, with various perspectives and values. I have grown with Rocky, and of they are happy!
I ask excuse for my poor English! :-)
Well I am really happy because I saw it on cinema...!!!
I really xcreamed while watchin it...!!!!
It waas unbelievable and anexpectable to be so nice!!!
Rocky Balboa rulesssssssssssssssssssss!
I am from philly and this movie, in particular, is really what this area is all about. After Rocky II a bit of the "hometown underdog does right" story was caught up into the fame, and money that geos with it. Dont get me wrong, I think that Rocky IV was fantastic, but it was a different type of film because he was never knocked down and trying to get back up. Rocky Balboa goes back to what the philly area and mentality is al;l about. It just goes to show you that you can achieve and even if unbelieveable odds put you down only you yourself can keep you down. This movie was an absolute knockout and it was worth the 15 year wait. My only regret, and it does not fall on anyone but the critis, but Burt Young was absolutely phenominal as Paulie. I have seen all of the other actors that were nominated for the Best Supporting actor and I do not think a single one was better than Burt Young. Heres to you Paulie for another fantastic performance that did not go unnoticed in my eyes.
Yo Pauly; I'm on DVD!
i need to see it
on blu ray
hey there!
this is George from Austria (you know, the little country next to Germany...*gg*)!
I'm so glad I came across your blog tonight cause I'm probably the biggest Rocky supporter on the other side of the Big Pond.
I'm studying English here in Austria to become an interpreter/translator someday (cross your fingers...) and some days ago our Ennglish teacher told us to create our own blog (just as an opportunity for us to use the language, great idea by the way!). If you like, come and check it out, http://george07.blogspot.com/. If you get there, check out my Rocky stuff (it's not much so far, only one picture and one quote, c'mon, gimme some time, buddy!)
Well, to cut a long story short, congratulations on your great blog, very well done!
And besides, Rocky VI is a piece of art, I can't wait to get the DVD to see this religious stuff in English!
Take it easy, feel free to visit my blog and I'm looking forward to reading some news about Rocco!
i like this movie
When the film to leave in DVD in Brazil I with certainty go here to buy! Excellent film!
Hello, Sylvester Stallone's fans! How are you? I hope you're very well. I'm well (Stallone's movie overdose)
My nickname is Eddy Nice, I'm from Brazil, South America. I'm sorry my wrong English again, please.
I like some photos in Stallonezone.com : the Paris premier, golf, motorcicle. I love very much the neighborhood childhood. beautiful picture, looking artistic, I'm impressed.
Mr. Sylvester Stallone is beautiful (I never tire of to say this), looking a survivor of an war house comebacking, or better, a sole statue survivor a bombing (Can you underestand me? I try)
I found brazilian magazine this Sylvester Stallone's words (I to try to write)"The artist have two deaths. The first death is very hard to aceppt". I don't understand nothing. Death and Art? But I like, I think beautiful.
I have to go
I'm sorry my bad English
Thank you very much
Little hugs and kisses in each of you
Eddy Nice
I've bought the DVD and watched those deleted scenes and alternate endings, It's so great!
Just saw the movie, what a mistake to leave Adrian out. It ruined the legacy..........
Fantastic ending to an inspirational story. There are life lessons all through this series and it has been my all time favorite since I was a youngster. I saw Rocky I in theaters when I was in 7th grade... 18 times to be exact!
I really love how the story comes full circle with Spider Rico and Little Marie. One thing that I thought would fit this story, since Rocky is at such a reflective and spiritual time in his life, was a conversation with Father Carmine during the movie, and maybe before the fight. He's probably elderly by now, but another priest would have fit as well since Rocky had done that before the first two fights with Apollo.
Great movie Sly! I thouroughly enjoyed this one as much as the first, if not more. Stammi Bene!
Hy!!My name is josipa and I am from Croatia!!Your page is cool!!!!I have 25 of Slys movies and I hope some day he will come to croatia!!!Come to my site and If you know leave a coment!!!
So psyched. Loved Rocky Balboa.
10 Unanswered Questions of Rocky
It has been a long time since I've watched a movie twice. I watched Rocky Balboa twice! I completly enjoyed it, from the directing, writing and acting it was nicely done. good job and thanks! It is a sweet and powerful keepsake.
Sandi in California
I have been a genuine true fan of Sly Stallone since I was a pre-teen. I have a HUGE request for Craig, So if you're monitoring these blogs Craig, PLEASE listen..At the end of Rocky Balboa right before the ending credits is the scene where Sly is standing still back towards us hands behind his back and in his commentary he states that he didn't realize the cameras were still shooting but he was standing there taking a moment letting it all sink in, etc. What I think would be really cool is if you or someone can take that image and make it a screensaver with the visual of the lights in the distance and the snow actually falling on him as well! It's a breath taking scene; Can you help create this? I know we ALL believe we are Sly's #1 fan, & I'm sure we are but I remember when the 1st Rocky came on TV, this was before the CamCorders. More like my family had that huge Video Recorder that rested on your shoulder not snug in your hand. Being Daddy's little girl I usually got my way no matter what and talked him into taping the movie. Catch was that the end product wasn't a VHS recording. More like a tape of my TV with the movie playing. And then when Rocky III came out on Video/VHS for my Birthday I said all I wanted was the RockyIII movie rented for the weekened. Watched it so many times and by Sunday didn't want to take it back but knew I had to. Something happened to our VideoRecorder so I did the only thing I could think of..taped the entire movie on tape cassettes! I listened to them so many times I can play any character's part throughout the entire movie. It's odd to think that anything having to do with Sly dating back from childhood I remember but I can't remember my parent's anniversary most of the time. Way before the Internet I think i mailed in like $10 to be in Sly's Fan Club. Tony Munafo, who produced some of his films and was in Rocky I & II was the head of his fan club. I'm not obsessed. I simply adore him and when someone asks me what's my type? I answer Sylvester Stallone.
I love(not worship)this man.
By the way, on the Rocky.com/Rocky Store there are I think 2 sets of shot glasses. One has Rocky quotes. One of the quotes says "My mother hits harder than you do" That's ABSOLUTELY Incorrect! The correct quote is "My mother hits harder than that" from Rocky III during the final fight against Clubber Lang/Mr."T". I realize there's one more Sly Stallone movie to look forward to; John Rambo but I still get teary eyed at the end of Rocky Balboa (DVD) thinking one down and only one more to go. What can I say except I love this man unconditionally.
i realy enjoyed the film fantastic love all 6 rocky films i can watch them over and over love him
I enjoyed all the movies. All had something in commond with the next. Goog plaining and writting. Made people grab for more.
The first Rocky movie was a surprise and an inspiration to many people around the world. Fighters and ordinary people mirrored themselves in the training scenes that touched everyone immensely. The other Rocky's movies continued the incredible success of this amazing actor. I bow to you Stallone, as an ordinary person and as an extra martial arts fighter. Your last movie , "Rocky Balboa" shows that the dream goes on..... I salute you, and hope that one day I will be able to shake hands with the person who has given me motives to fight not in the box ring but in the ring of life....
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